Help Support Aaron, a First Responder Fight Cancer
My boyfriend Aaron Simone has recently been diagnosed with colon cancer. Aaron is 31 years old, and has been a first responder for the past 10 years and ironically plans to become a radiation therapy technologist.
Since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic Aaron has been committed to providing the best care by transferring members of our Metro Detroit community through Superior Ground-Air Ambulance who have various illnesses including COVID-19.
Until recently Aaron had been concerned with digestive issues, among other questionable symptoms. He went to the doctors thinking it was colitis, that he’d be prescribed medication and be sent on his way . Early this March the hospital called Aaron at work with gut wrenching news, it was not colitis. Aaron was diagnosed with colon cancer.
When Aaron called me at work the simplified version would be that I was in complete shock. He is my bestfriend, the person I want to be by my side, healthy, for as long as I possibly can so we can continue to laugh and make memories.
Now it is our turn to support and help Aaron get through this long battle. Everything has been moving incredibly fast, the tests, scans, doctor appointments, but the medical bills do not stop. Aaron will be unable to work due to his weakened immune system through the future chemotherapy, surgery, and radiation. We have a year plus long battle ahead of us and are unable to provide the funds that ensure Aaron’s health through the entire process. Any and all donations will be deeply appreciated. Anyone who knows Aaron would agree with me that he truly is a light hearted, genuinely all around great guy.
Please continue to spread the word and help our first responder fight cancer. Thank you for all the love and support, our gratitude is deeply endowed to each and every one of you.