Help save little Luca
Donation protected

My name is Aileen, I'm the proud owner of 2 gorgeous brother cats called Luca and Louie. They're 2 years young and my best mates as well as eachothers.
Last week Luca was hit by a car and the driver didn't even stop to report this or see where he was dragging himself by his front legs, which was back to his safe space at our home.
I'm a responsible pet owner and both cats are insured with premium lifetime cover for up to £3250 per condition which is being rapidly used up with his current care. Long story short luca is regaining movement in both his legs and has sensation at the base of his tail which they've said is a great sign. But what Luca needs is time, further care and 2 operations (one pelvic repair for 2 fractures & a body wall rupture repair which involves saving part of his intestine, all of which is very doable mechanically speaking) estimated at a minimum of £8.5k.
I thought it would be helpful to update you all with a breakdown of costs so you know what your generous donations are going towards.
Luca's first 48hrs of care at westway vets cost a total of £2,283.
We were then quoted £8,500 for his surgeries. + admin fees of £250.
This brings our total fees to £11,033
- £3125 (insurance cover - the £125 excess)
= £7881 that we need to find by this weekend when he's discharged.
Since last updating we've been told that luca needs an extra surgery to amputate a section of his male bits to open up the urethra so that he can urinate on his own as at the moment that has developed a stricture due to catheterization. This additional surgery will cost a further £1600. We are so stretched beyond our means financially with this whole situation but he's been through and overcome so much that this is hopefully the final hurdle to getting him well and home with us.
I urge all of you fellow animal lovers to check over your existing cover and increase it where needs be as this situation has been so stressful when all you should have to worry about ifls your pet and being there for them to make sure they get all they need.
I know a lot of you will say this is just a cat but to give you an insight into lucas character, as a kitten when i injured my knee and couldn't really walk, Luca never left my lap and brought me his favourite toy and dropped it into my injured leg repeatedly until i decided to throw it for him. He taught himself, a cat, to play fetch just to include me, the invalid, in the fun when he could see i was fed up. Last year when I went through such a hard time and was in tears daily. Couldn't eat a thing for days on end, this cat pinned himself to my lap every day. I got home from work he was on my lap, I went to the toilet, he'd accompany me there then he'd jump straight back up on my lap head on my chest. He has been there for me through thick and thin and now I need to be there for him and I'm desperately pleading for your help.
A small amount from a large group could save his life. And they've said he could fully recover from the physical side of things and the neurological side is looking good, he just needs time and expert help. I assure you if they said it was no good I would end his suffering but the vet said if she had the money and he was her pet she'd do the operation. He has his whole life to chase hair bobbles and go on further adventures and have endless cuddles and treats. He's my best mate. And and every little is so much appreciated xxx
A further update on Luca, he's had a few setbacks but is now able to pass urine. We believe he has a persistent UTI and possibly this and a combination of his nerves still not servicing the bladder correctly may be whats making him incontinent at the moment. He's undergoing some tests to see what the best way forward is. I'll post another update soon xx
Aileen Marron