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Help! Florida is unsafe for trans child

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I am trying to remain anonymous for safety reasons, but FL SB-254 is moving quickly and on its way to be passed.

I am the mother of a trans minor and 2 year old child. This bill would allow the state to take emergency custody of BOTH my children. It also allows legal kidnapping if the non-custodial apparent opposing gender affirming care.

“A court of this state has temporary emergency jurisdiction if the child is present in this state and the child has been abandoned or it is necessary in an emergency to protect the child because the child, or a sibling or parent of the
child, is subjected to or threatened with mistreatment or abuse or is at risk of or is being subjected to the provision of sex-
reassignment prescriptions or procedures as defined in”

We need to uproot and move our family out of state so our children can stay with their parents and have the healthcare they need.

This is a last ditch effort. I don’t have expectations this will work but I have to try.

Thank you.


Jay B
Largo, FL

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