Help Flybe Cabin Crew
After 40 years Flybe has gone into administration and ceased all operations with immediate effect. This is devastating for all employees, and as fellow Unite Cabin Crew we are determined to do our bit to help Flybe Unite cabin crew - who always gave their support to us.
As we have done before, we ask for your kindness and support to help the FLYBE Unite cabin
crew in their hour of need. It’s easy to think that someone else should step in and do this, but the truth is, they don’t. We are sort to ask you one again but experience has shown us that despite
fine words, very little in practical terms is done to help and without the fund raising efforts and
generosity of our members, the Monarch and Thomas Cook branches would not have been able to assist their members in the way that they did . We now need to help the Flybe branch in any
small way that we can, if you could donate the cost of even a cup of coffee your fellow cabin crew members would be grateful. In our times of difficulty, fellow branches have always generously
supported us , it is only right that we do the same. If everyone donates the price of that cup of
coffee we will easily reach our target. If you can donate the price of a sandwich as well, we shall
smash the target!
Monies raised will be sent to Flybe Unite for distribution to their loyal members.