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Support Elias Martinez’s Journey to Recovery

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On September 4, 2024, the Martinez family went on a walk around Berwyn, Illinois, something they have done nearly every day in a neighborhood that has always felt safe. Their walk ended abruptly when a speeding vehicle being chased by the police struck Elias Martinez, a long-time Berwyn resident and father of three. The driver of the vehicle fled the scene, carjacking another Berwyn resident and continuing to lead North Riverside and Berwyn police on a chase through the city. The incident resulted in a huge police presence and a lot of emotion in the community. Miraculously, Elias survived the horrific accident, but sustained serious injuries and remains in the intensive care unit with two broken legs, a broken arm, broken bones in his face and multiple other injuries that will require that he remain in the hospital for an extended period of time. Elias has also needed surgery and is looking at a long road to recovery before he can return to his role as the sole provider for his family. Elias’ condition continues to improve each day, but the Martinez family is currently facing an extremely overwhelming situation. I am looking to raise money to help fund Elias’ medical costs, rehabilitative care, long-term care and any other necessities he and his family may have during this challenging time and the difficult days ahead.

This accident happened directly next to a high school during one of the busiest times of the day in one of the busiest areas of the city. This could have happened to anyone - a child on their way home from soccer practice, an adult on their way home from work, or a mom or dad on their way to pick up their teenage child from school. It happened to a dedicated father taking a simple walk with his wife and 6-year-old daughter and their lives are now forever changed. Your support can make a huge impact. No donation is too small and every little bit helps. Together, we can alleviate some of the financial burden that the family is experiencing so they can focus on each other and Elias' recovery. Thank you for your generosity and kindness. For all those who have reached out with prayers, positive thoughts, money and support, the family is eternally grateful.



Nicole Vega Lara
Berwyn, IL

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