Help for Andi
Donation protected
Andi is a 42-year-old man, a father of a 14-year-old son, and a dedicated husband and family member. In
May of this year, he was diagnosed with a rare form of lungs tumor measuring 8 cm. This is an
exceptionally rare tumor, with only 120 reported cases worldwide. Currently, the tumor is inoperable,
and he will begin chemotherapy and radiation therapy to reduce its size. If the therapy is successful, he
may be eligible for surgery.
This is a newly recognized tumor in the medical field since 2015, which is why the treatments are
beyond the family's means. Andi is currently in Turkey, utilizing the family's resources, but the funds are
insufficient for further treatments, and every minute counts for his future.
The total cost of the treatments amounts to 80,000 euros. Your contribution is invaluable for his life.
Thank you, and may God be with you and your families.
Patient: Andi Shytermeja
Age- Gender : 42 - M
Doctor : Sahin Laçin
Unit: Radiology
Identification Number: Bi......32
Pathology No: B23- 05819
Hospital : Koç University Hospital
Patient No: 32501065
Entry date: 23/05/2023
Clinical findings: A sample was taken of approximately 8 cm solid mass in the apicoposterior of the right
lung upper lobe with the calcification technique 5 times with an 18G true-cut needle.
Preliminary diagnosis: Lung Ca
Pathological diagnosis:
lung; right upper lobe; tru-cut biopsy:
- Malignant tumor in epithelioid morphology with loss of brg1 ( SMARCA4) ( see the Note)
A malignant tumor with prominent nuclear pleomorphism, macronucleolus, extensive cytoplasm,
epithelioid morphology, solid development pattern, and extensive necrosis is seen. In the ite differential
diagnosis, "non-small cell" carcinoma was primarily questioned, and, because TTF-1 and p40 as well as
pancytokeratin were negative in the first immunohistochemical study, and nuclear expression loss was
observed in BRG1 and tumor cells, the differential diagnosis and the immune panel were expanded.
As a result, hematopoietic tumors, germ cell tumors, melanoma were largely excluded; "Thoracic
undifferentiated tumor showing loss of SMARCA4" or "poorly differentiated non-small cell carcinoma
showing loss of SMARCA4" became priority in the diagnosis, but the findings were not sufficient for
definitive interpretation.Correlation with clinical data is recommended. If it is a tumor localized to the
thorax and if there is no possibility of another primary focus, the case can be considered in this
-My Name is Denard Sufaj . We have a family relationship, the beneficiary is my cousin's husband and my friend as well.
-The funds will be used for surgery and treatment. Preliminary treatment consists of 30 sessions of radio therapy and 2 sessions of chemotherapy. On August 14th is the check-up after which the date of the operation will be decided. After the operation, the doctor will decide on the next therapy.
Hospital details: KOÇ hospital Istanbul Turkey.
Doctor's Name: Sahin Lacin
Patient no: 32501065
Patient name: Andi Shytermeja
-The funds will be transferred by bank transfer to the account of the beneficiary who will pay the hospital expenses for the operation and his treatment.
Andi eshte nje djale 42 vjec, baba i nje djali 14 vjec dhe nje bashkeshort e familjar i perkushtuar. Ai eshte
diagnostikuar ne Maj te ketij viti me nje forme te rralle tumori ne mushkeri prej 8 cm. Ky eshte nje
tumor i rralle dhe ne te gjithe boten mund te jene diagnostikuar 120 raste. Aktualisht eshte i
paoperueshem dhe si fillim do ndiqen kurat me kimio dhe radio terapi qe te mund te zvogelohet masa
dhe nese do i pergjigjet me sukses terapise me pas do mund te operohet.
Ky eshte nje tumor i ri qe mjekesia e njeh qe prej 2015, per kete arsye kurat jane jashte mundesive te
Andi aktualisht ndodhet ne Turqi me mundesite e familjes por fondet jane te pamjaftueshme per kurat e
metejshme dhe cdo minute ndikon ne te ardhmen e tij.
Mjekimet totale shkojne ne shumen 80,000 euro.
Cdo kontribut i juaj eshte i vlefshem per jeten e tij. Faleminderit dhe zoti qofte prane jush dhe familjeve
Denard Sufaj