Help for Ashley Harrigan
As some of you may already know (and to those who don't, this will be a shock) Ashley Harrigan was involved in a very bad car accident on Wednesday night.
She was driving down North Territorial when the car in the lane next to her hydroplaned in front of Ashley. This caused Ashley's vehicle to crash into the other vehicle, causing a head-on, T-bone collision.
The car then slide around and crashed into the driver's side of Ashley's car. The impact was so intense that her car door had to be cut off in order for Ashely to get out of the car.
She has a fractured 1st rib on her left side. They are uncertain yet if this will require surgery. She also has a fractured sacrum and disconnected disc from her spinal cord- which will be requiring surgery.
She is currently at St. Mary's waiting to undergo surgery. She will likely be in the hospital at least until Wednesday, but the road to recovery will be much longer. Her treatment involving intense physical therapy and psychiatric help.
Prior to her accident, Ashley had plans to move to Utah in November. Ashley is in a tough financial situation now having to pay for rent and everyday bills while being completely immobile. Needless to say, this horrible accident is going to set Ashley back even farther.
We are all so happy that Ashley is alive and with time will be able to make a full recovery. Unfortunately bill's don't stop coming in when life's tragedy's strike.
Her hard working nature wouldn't allow Ashley to ask for financial assistance. However, as her friends I hope that if you are able to, we can send Ashley a lot of love and a little money to help her focus on recovery and being well. The money we are hoping to raise will help her get through these next couple months with a bit of more ease so she can focus on recovery.
She sends her love and gratitude always.