Caiden's Fight Against Cancer!
No one can ever imagine hearing that their little one has cancer, but that's exactly what happened with my 2 year old. He should be playing with his twin but instead he will spending time at Nicklaus Children's Hospital in Miami getting chemotherapy.
It all started when I noticed a glow in his left eye, he didn't complain of having pain but doctors confirmed our worst nightmare on Tuesday, May 2nd! Caiden was diagnosed with Bilateral Retinoblastoma, he has lost some of his vision in his left eye and we are praying that the chemo will shrink the tumors.
Our family is grateful for whatever you can give, this will help us since we have a lot of out of pocket expenses. It's hard to be away from our 5 other children but we are doing what's best for Caiden. Thank you in advance and may God bless you!