Help Jamie McKay Fight Against Breast Cancer
My name is Jamie McKay. The month after my 42nd birthday, March 2019, I was diagnosed with breast cancer.
As an adult, I have always paid my own way. I have been the person that others have come to for help. Now, I must humble myself and ask for help.
I am committed to beating cancer and recovering my full health. So far, I am making progress, but resources are running thin. Overcoming cancer gets expensive. With your help and our Lord’s, I will succeed.
I am not doing this just for me, but for my amazing son and my terrific family, as well.
My son, Richard, is a 15-year-old student, an outstanding athlete and the light of my life. Richard has the best attitude of any young person I know. He finds a way to put a good face on everything and anything. I am not ready to leave him. My will to survive is strongly surrounded by the thoughts of his tomorrows. I want to do everything possible to ensure that I am here for him. I want to finish giving him the launch he needs and deserves in this life.
What I look forward to the most these days, is seeing my son graduate High school, Go to College, and with your help, I am confident that I will.
Whatever you can afford and feel moved to donate is received in full gratitude. Prayers also are very welcome.
Thank you and be blessed,
Jamie McKay