Help for Josh to pay his bills.
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Hello everyone. This is a request to help a very dear friend in need. His name is Josh Hartley. Josh and his long time girlfriend Leslie Fleming, both residents of the Antelope Valley, were driving home Sunday Mornin, 9-17-17 about 1am near 40th East & Ave J in Lancaster, Ca., headin East on Ave J, when a car came across the center line and hit them head on. Leslie died in the accident, and Josh is in the hospital! They were a very loving couple, and loved, helped, and cared for everyone they met. Josh, on top of losing the love of his life, will be going through surgeries and recovery, be out of work for quite some time, and not be able to pay his bills. Obviously there are lots of costs involved with this kind of tragedy, and Josh needs the help!!! Please help my wonderful friend get through this horrible tragedy without having to lay in his hospital bed worring about the bills. Thanks so much for taking the time to consider my request. I hope and pray we can help Josh through the worst of this!!!... :)
Norm Schoendoerfer
Lancaster, CA