Help for Karyce Santillan
Donation protected
Hi everyone,
I'm Sarah Hansen, the mother of Karyce Santillan and this fundraiser is for her during her stay at Eastern Maine Medical Center. It is for any and all expenses that may arise while we are here and for having to travel back and forth from here to home and back here again. Karyce is 7 years old and was suppose to start her 2nd grade year this year, but due to her appendix rupturing, she hasn't been able to attend school. On August 24th Karyce had been complaining of her stomach hurting for a couple days. She had a fever and was vomiting and didn't have much of an appetite. I noticed this time wasn't like any of her other "regular stomach aches". So I brought her to the hospital and they did blood work and a CT scan and found out that infant she did have appendicitis and it had already ruptured which the surgeon who came to see her said that it already rupturing that's the emergency surgery part away which didn't make sense to me at the time. So they admitted her and was set to have surgery to remove the appendix the next day. The following day came and they took her in for surgery around 5-5:30ish pm. All went well during thst surgery and she came back to the room with her incision and a drain. They gave her antibiotics and pain meds as well. After about 4 days the doctor was discharging us and she was supposed to go home with the drain, but the doctor accidentally ripped it out and still proceeded to send us home with no drain, no antibiotics, and no pain meds. We made it home and everything was going good for about a week or so until last Tuesday night, I noticed that her incision was very red and bulging. I gave her medicine and put an ice pack on it which helped it go down some. The next morning, I took her back to the emergency room and they did another CT scan and bloodwork. We got some fairly bad news with the results of those. She had another bad infection and had two abcesses along with a small hole in her abdominal wall and apparently her appendix wasn't even in the right spot. So we got life flighted to Bangor that night and ahe had another surgery the next day where they went in and opened up the incision which by then was oozing and leaking puss. They cleaned it all out and put in a wound vac to help continue to suck out all the bad and yucky stuff. That surgery went well, but then about 2 days later we noticed that the wound vac was leaking and she had like a puss bubble that gathered up underneath the tape around the wound vac. It didn't look right to me or the nurse so they had the surgeon come back in in the morning to check it out. He cleaned it all up and put new tape around it and instead of waiting till Monday like they had planned to change her sponges and everything they ended up doing it on Sunday where they had to put Karyce under again and they went back in and cleaned in and around the incision area and found the reason to why she had the leak. She had a puss like cyst that the wound vac couldn't suck up. So as I said they cleaned it all up again and changed her sponges and whatnot. That surgery went well yet again. In another 4 days they will have to go in and change the sponges again and then they will be able to see how well the infection is getting better and we will see what the next steps are from there. We do not know how long we will be here. It is a day by day basis pretty much and all depends on the infection. During this whole ordeal she hasn't had much of an appetite or hasn't drank a whole lot which they were also concerned about. But each day she is eating and drinking a bit more then before. If she doesn't continue to eat well then they will have to put a pic line in so that she can get her needed nutrients that way. We hope that won't need to happen so we are doing our best on getting her to eat more and to get her to have a bowel movement as well. I think I got all the important details out and so this is Karyces story so far. Any help in donating even if it's 1 dollar will help with the expenses of being down here and with the traveling. If you can't donate then please share, share, share!! Thank you all so much for your thoughts and prayers for Karyce during this hard time. Keep them coming though because we still need them and they are helping! Thank you all in advance for any donations that you make or if you can only share than that's greatly appreciated as well! #KaryceStrong#

Sarah Hansen
Presque Isle, ME