Help for Kevin's medical transfer home.
Donation protected
Updated: 22.11.2023
Dear Supporters,
We wanted to provide you with an update on Kevin's recovery journey and express our heartfelt gratitude for your ongoing support. Unfortunately, Kevin's recovery has been slower than anticipated, and he continues to face significant challenges. As of now, he is unable to talk, swallow, and remains incapacitated.
In our relentless pursuit to provide the best possible environment for Kevin's recovery, we have been working towards transferring him to Croatia, where he can be surrounded by his family. However, the cost of this transfer is substantial, amounting to $350,000. This expense is a considerable barrier for us, and we are actively raising funds to make this crucial move possible for Kevin.
The emotional toll on our family remains profound, and the daily struggles are both exhausting and painful. Your generous contributions have been a source of strength and hope for us during this difficult time. We are immensely grateful for every donation, share, and message of support.
If you are able to contribute or share Kevin's story further, it would mean the world to us. Together, we can make a significant difference in Kevin's life and bring him one step closer to the care and support he needs.
Thank you for being a part of Kevin's journey and for standing by our family during this challenging time.
With sincere appreciation,
Vidovic Family
Orignal Post:
Hello, my name is Ilija Vidovic, and I am Kevin's father. I have started this fundraiser to help cover my son's medical expenses. Kevin is a young 25-year-old boy who has had his life nearly ended because of an unprovoked brutal coward's punch to the back of his head during a quiet evening dinner in Melbourne. You may have heard about this incident on the Australian news, as this incident occurred on the 30th of October, 2022. He was found dead on the floor when the ambulance arrived. Luckily, the ambulance team revived him and rushed him to the nearest hospital. The hospital surgeons and doctors quickly operated on Kevin and relieved his brain swelling by removing a large portion of his skull. Kevin suffered two major subdural hemorrhages to his brain.
Today, a month after the incident, Kevin is still in a coma, and his recovery is slow and extremely expensive for our family. His brother, sister and I all flew into Melbourne from Poland, Croatia and Perth temporarily to help him the best way we can.
The medical team at the hospital advised us that Kevin's recovery may take up to 3 years, if not longer. There may also be long-term life-changing disabilities for the rest of his life due to his severe brain injury.
We ask anyone that can help to please donate and help with Kevin's expenses. We are all praying for him and hope that he recovers as soon as possible so that he may get the chance of a normal life ahead of him.
My family and I thank you in advance for your support.
Mein Name ist Ilija Vidovic und ich bin Kevins Vater. Ich habe diese Spendenaktion leider ins Leben gerufen, um die medizinischen Kosten für meinen Sohn zu decken.
Kevin ist ein 25-jähriger Junge, dessen Leben durch einen unprovozierten Schlag eines Feiglings auf den Hinterkopf während eines ruhigen Abendessens in Melbourne fast beendet wurde. Vielleicht haben Sie von diesem Vorfall in den Nachrichten gehört, denn er ereignete sich am 30. Oktober 2022.
Als der Krankenwagen eintraf, fand man ihn regungslos auf dem Boden. Glücklicherweise konnte ihn das Rettungsteam wiederbeleben und ins nächstgelegene Krankenhaus bringen. Die Chirurgen und Ärzte des Krankenhauses operierten Kevin rasch und entfernten einen großen Teil seines Schädels, um die Hirnschwellung zu lindern. Kevin erlitt zwei schwere subdurale Hirnblutungen.
Heute, einen Monat nach dem Vorfall, liegt Kevin immer noch im Koma, und seine Genesung verläuft langsam. Leider ist dies für uns als Familie extrem teuer. Sein Bruder, seine Schwester und ich sind vorübergehend aus Polen, Kroatien und Perth nach Melbourne (Australien) geflogen, um ihm so gut wie möglich zu helfen. Jedoch ist die Abwesenheit von zu Hause ist extrem teuer.
Das Ärzteteam im Krankenhaus teilte uns mit, dass Kevins Genesung bis zu drei Jahre dauern kann, wenn nicht sogar länger. Aufgrund seiner schweren Hirnverletzung kann es außerdem für den Rest seines Lebens zu langfristigen, lebensverändernden Behinderungen kommen.
Wir bitten jeden, der helfen kann, zu spenden und zu Kevins Kosten einen Teil beizutragen. Wir alle beten für ihn und hoffen, dass er sich so schnell wie möglich erholt, damit er die Chance auf ein normales Leben bekommt.
Meine Familie und ich danken Ihnen im Voraus für Ihre Unterstützung.
Pozdrav, ja sam Ilija Vidovic, Kevinov otac. Pokrenuo sam ovu akciju prikupljanja sredstava kako bih pomogao pokriti troškove liječenja svog sina. Kevin je mladi 25-godišnjak čiji je život zamalo okončan zbog ničim izazvanog kukavičkog udarca šakom u potiljak tijekom mirne večeri u Melbourneu. Možda ste na vijestima čuli za ovaj incident, koji se dogodio 30. listopada 2022. Hitna pomoć ga je pronašla na podu gotovo mrtvog. Srećom, uspjeli su ga oživjeti i prevesti u najbližu bolnicu. Bolnički kirurzi i liječnici brzo su operirali Kevina i ublažili mu oteklinu mozga uklanjanjem velikog dijela lubanje. Kevin je pretrpio dva velika subduralna krvarenja u mozgu.
Danas, mjesec dana nakon incidenta, Kevin je još uvijek u komi, a njegov oporavak je spor i izuzetno skup za našu obitelj. Njegov brat, sestra i ja privremeno smo doletjeli u Melbourne iz Poljske, Hrvatske i Pertha kako bismo mu pomogli najbolje što možemo.
Medicinski tim u bolnici rekao nam je da bi Kevinov oporavak mogao trajati do 3 godine, ako ne i dulje. Njegova teška ozljeda mozga može rezultirati i trajnom invalidnošću, koja će mu zauvijek promijeniti život.
Molimo sve koji mogu pomoći da doniraju i pomognu nam s Kevinovim troškovima. Svi se molimo za njega i nadamo se da će što prije ozdraviti kako bi dobio priliku za normalan nastavak života.
Moja obitelj i ja vam unaprijed zahvaljujemo na podršci.
Fundraising team (4)
Ilija Vidovic
Springvale, VIC
Sara Vidovic
Team member
Mario Divkovic
Team member
Marco Frejda
Team member