Help for Laura following her amputation
Hello friends! I’m Laura or you may know me as Lady Firefox.
On April 6th l will be undergoing a below the knee amputation. It's a long and complicated story, but I will try and keep it short for now and update with more detail later on.
I have lived with chronic pain for my entire life. I was born with a rare bone disease called fibrous dysplasia in my left fibula. There is no cure and throughout my life the pain has got worse and worse, now I use a walking aid.
8 years ago I found a lump on of the outside my lower left leg, one lump became two and soon after pain began. I was referred to hospital to remove the ’benign’ tumours, but they returned. After a biopsy I was diagnosed with a rare type of soft tissue sarcoma called aggressive fibromatosis (desmoid tumours). There is no cure.
Since then I have had another surgery which included a fibulectomy (removal of the fibula bone) and chemotherapy 3 times.
Needless to say after many years of chronic pain and chemo treatments I decided last Year I wanted to have my leg amputated. I have been waiting for a date for 5 months and the time has come.
There are expenses which come with living life as an amputee. To start with I am raising money for simple things to help me day to day. I want to buy a robust wheelchair suitable for a young and activeperson like me. I enjoy going to music festivals so an NHS issued wheelchair just won’t be suitable for me. A good quality, lightweight folding wheelchair can cost in excess of £1,500. I also want to buy an iwalk which is a device which you kneel on and strap into and will allow me to easily move around the house without putting a prosthetic on.
I original goal was £3,000 which I’m proud to say was achieved in 2 days. Thanks to everyone who donated and shared the cause.
Since the crowdfunding is doing really well I am excited to extend my goal to £10,000! I had never thought it was possible I would raise so much and there is now a possibility I could raise enough to get a more advanced prosthetic leg than which the NHS provides.
Please donate what you can, even if every one of my Instagram followers donated £1 It would make a huge difference to my life
Much love L. x