Help for Mariusz
Please in the name of Mariusz and his family and friends we would like to ask you for help.
Mariusz always helped others, and today he is the one needing the help. Mariusz is 38 years old, been living and working in Manchester for years, he is a healthy man who loves to live his life very actively. Sadly during his family holiday to Croatia this week he has suffered a terrible accident, Mariusz went diving and due to the negligence of the diving company his oxygen bottle was faulty which has resulted in him being paralysed.
At this moment Mariusz is awake, but stuck to the hospital bed in Croatia unable to move.
He is a strong and brave man and all his friends and family believe that he will be able to get out of this, however we ask for your help.
We are desperately trying to organise funds to transport Mariusz from the hospital in Croatia back to the UK, where he will be able to get all the medical attention and care that he requires. We believe that with the right medical treatment, and rehabilitation Mariusz may have a chance to feel his limbs again and hopefully return to normality one day.
However, time is key right now and his family do not have the funds to cover the expensive costs of transportation from Croatia to the UK, which is why we need your help.
PLEASE any of Mariusz’s friends, colleagues, neighbours and family that are reading this, please give any donation you can to help us cover the costs of his transport to the UK and all the medical treatment. Every little helps, and you can change someone’s life.
Thank you.
W imieniu rodziny prosimy wszystkich znajomych, przyjaciół i ludzi dobrej woli o wsparcie dla Mariusza.
Zawsze to on był pomocny dla innych , tym razem on potrzebuje pomocy. Od lat zamieszkujący w Manchester, 38 letni,zdrowy, bardzo aktywny mężczyzna. Podczas rodzinnych wakacji w Chorwacji uległ wypadkowi a wzasadzie przez zaniedbanie firmy organizującej wycieczki na nurkowanie, podczas zejścia pod wode dostał butle z złą mieszanką którą wdychał nurkując i skutkiem tego jest sparaliżowany.
W tej chwili Mariusz jest przytomny lecz niestety przykuty do łóżka w szpitalu w Chorwacji.
Mariusz to waleczny chłopak, wierzymy że da rade, ale potrzebujemy Waszego wsparcia. Potrzebne są fundusze na transport z Chorwacji do UK, leczenie i rehabilitacje. Dzięki Waszemu wsparciu Mariusz ma duże szanse na powrót do normalności i przywrócenie czucia w kończynach, niestety czas tu gra wielką role.Rodzina nie posiada takich środków pienieżnych by samemu opłacić wszelkie koszty i z tąd apel do Was Kochani pomóżmy Wszyscy. Dobro zawsze powraca.