Help for our friend, Sue Ann Higgins
Donation protected
Our dearest friend SueAnn Higgins has a cancer in her body called Multiple Myeloma. She has been fighting it for about two years now, however it seems to have gained the upper hand and more aggressive measures are now needed to help her fight off this invader in her body. She took a one month break to clean out her system from previous Chemo treatments to qualify for a new treatment that she ultimately did not qualify for. The Multi Myeloma mutated and her body is now riddled with aggressive tumors that are invading her chest and her pelvis areas. She has started on a rigorous protocol of Immune therapy, Chemo and Radiation therapy. This has kicked her ass and she is now having to really take life slowly and stop working on all levels and allow her body, mind and spirit to fight, to fight for her life and her future. While her left leg had begun to swell from the pressures of the tumors there, slowly some circulation is coming back. Her Doctor is very hopeful with this sign, and if this new protocol can gain control again, and the tumors continue shrinking, the doctors will keep her on these meds and watch for improvements over the next few weeks. Hospitalization may be needed in the future, but for now, she is hopeful and she is finally just resting and letting go of "Doing" and channeling her energies, what little she has, to healing her body of this disease. Upon arising each morning, although weak, she is stead fast in her tiny bit of renewed energy and has found resolve to fighting, restoring and becoming whole again. Her beloved sister has been by her side much of the time, as have all her friends standing by to help when they can. She asks for nothing, but I have decided to start this fund for her in order to give her peace of mind and financial support so the worries and burdens of day to day expenses do not further plague my friend's mind. We can all pitch in and help to heal SueAnne to become whole again. She has been working less and less and now is the time that she needs monetary assistance in place, one little stressful topic off the list, to pay bills, rent, medical expenses, for healthy foods and perhaps a cute shirt to wear to therapy sessions, girls will be girls, right? Of course!!!
Please donate what you can, every little bit helps, no amount is more or less than another, everything is a blessing to help our girl back to health and that beautiful smile we all love so much !!!
On SueAnnie's behalf, Thank You so very much.
Please donate what you can, every little bit helps, no amount is more or less than another, everything is a blessing to help our girl back to health and that beautiful smile we all love so much !!!
On SueAnnie's behalf, Thank You so very much.
Denise Thibadeau Lankes
Costa Mesa, CA