Help for the Lira's Family. Ajuda para Graziele
Donation protected
Hello my name is Olga, I have started this gofund to help take a burden of debit and many others expenses for our wonderful Graziele Lira's Family.
Grazy, 39 young, beloved wife and mother of 2 has been fighting aggressive monastic stage 4 pancreas cancer found late, it had taken over her body.
Her fight began in May 2021. Today we are all in tears, haven has a new angel. Four months of intensive treatment , Grazy fought with everything she had and some more. Her Faith brightened many, her thirst to survive was unreal, her pain was so severe she would scream, and there was no medication to relieve the pain of cancer bursting out and braking her bones.
On September 27th 4:30am she sang a song to Virgin Mary and took her last breath leaving the severe pain behind. Finally in peace, she step forever .
Please with your donation you will help, and provide for this family to cover some of their expenses at this difficulty time. Please Help!
Grazy kindness, love and smile always made someone day .
She will be missed!
Oi estou pedindo ajuda para a nossa Eterna amada Grazi.
A Graziele tinha 39 anos de vida, esposa e mãe de 2 filhos maravilhoso.
No mês de Maio deste ano a Grazy foi diagnosticado com estado 4 de câncer do pâncreas, que tomou conta do corpo em menos de 5 meses.
No dia 27 de Setembro 2021 as 4:30 da manha Deus ganhou mais um anjo. Grazy cantou a Ave-Maria e tirou seu ultimo suspiro _ Eu chamei meu Deus no meu sofrimento e ele me Acolheu-
Ainda mesmo que não entendemos a decisão de Deus, o dinheiro jamais ira aliviar a dor que a familia esta passando neste momento mais as dispensas de Funeral são tão grande e a sua doação vai tirar a preocupação da Família neste momento de tanto sofrimento. E que o senhor multiplica no celeiro de cada um. E por favor continue orando para a família Lira.
Te Amomos Grazy
Fundraising team (2)
Olga O'Brien
Quincy, MA
Thiago Lira
Team member