Help for victim of cyberbullying on Amazon site
Hello everyone,
thank you for reading my story. If you don’t know me, my name is Kika and I am someone who was thanks to selling on Amazon since high school able to make all my dreams come true.
I enjoyed every single day of my journey, growing up with the company I so much love and learning it’s rules.
Apart from trading on the site, I’ve always been an active member of the seller community who attended and organized Amazon events for sellers and most importantly, despite my young age and English not being my language, I
became the world’s number #1 Amazon Seller Forums contributor under the name Kika (in Europe), AngelicPretty (in the USA) and Kika (in Japan/Australia) with almost 40000 posts in total.
Other sellers are like a family to me and sharing my knowledge with them makes me happy, without expecting anything in return.
I never turned them down and you wouldn’t hear me saying one bad word about anyone or even Amazon, regardless of the circumstances. I always promoted the company’s values and communicated with my peers in the most respectful and polite manner.
Here are some random examples of my Amazon Seller Forum contributions out of tens of thousands of posts:
Unfortunately, due to my popularity, I started being targeted by a cabal of abusive online trolls. Those trolls were either rival Amazon Seller consultants who charge money for the work I was doing for free or Amazon Seller Forum moderators (all in the age of my grandparents) who couldn’t tolerate my presence on the site and had to constantly bait me with unprovoked spiteful remarks, insults and harass me at every opportunity, doing everything possible to disrupt my polite, on-topic, professional contributions. This was being repeated every single day and no action was taken by Amazon against the bad actors who were unwilling to stop with the behavior at any circumstances.
If you are not familiar with the Amazon Seller Forums, the site is supposed to be a friendly meetup place for Amazon sellers. Spiteful remarks, insults, off-topic content that demonstrates little to no relevance to seller issues are all strongly against the rules and would normally warrant a ban to anyone publishing such content or bullying another member.
The abuse shortly escalated with the bullies setting up entire websites, forums, Facebook pages about me, where they were mocking me and my family, publishing my private information, posting photoshopped versions of photos stolen from my social media accounts and plotting how to further abuse me.
In the night, when Amazon staff was offline, each troll would update his Amazon Seller Forum profile into a mock up of mine, complete with one of my personal photos and abusive profile description making fun of me.
My polite, friendly, on-topic forum posts were being maliciously edited by Amazon Seller Forum moderators to make it appear like I posted something abusive.
Every day, I was getting unsolicited private messages in which the bullies and moderators were joking that I appear to be a transgender man, accusing me of being homophobic, asking me whether I like porn, claiming that I am mentally retarded or letting me know that they are discussing me every day telling these things to all my friends.
I spent whole evenings crying and feeling alone. Some of the people who abused me have strong links to the most senior Amazon executives, making it literally impossible to get help.
I was begging the Amazon staff responsible for the Amazon Seller Forums for help, only wishing to be left alone. Here are example messages I sent:
Inappropriate posts and private messages continued to be directed to me every single day and my desperate requests for help addressed to the Amazon staff responsible for the forums were ignored for months.
Since no one would help me, I kept e-mailing relevant Amazon departments with screenshots and description of the abuse, begging the company for help.
Unfortunately, my e-mails addressed to the executive department were all getting answered by the very same Amazon Seller Forum moderators who targeted me, giving me always the same copy and paste responses stating that the forums are being managed according to the rules, completely ignoring the cruel behavior towards me and taking no action on my reports.
Eventually, one of the Amazon Seller Forum moderators decided to resolve the situation on 11.November 2019 by permanently banning me out of each of the world’s Amazon Seller Forums, while attaching a seriously defamatory wording on my profile.
No other member was ever treated in such manner. My contributions were polite, professional and on-topic, not a single post of mine would constitute to anything warranting a permanent ban. All the users who constantly cruelly harassed and insulted me for months are now finally enjoying what they always wanted - me removed from the Amazon community.
Within a hour following the ban, while I was crying and feeling suicidal, I took the earliest flight to London, hoping to reach someone at the Amazon UK HQ by standing alone in the cold weather holding placards in front of the building:
Meanwhile, hundreds of outraged Amazon sellers started protesting the injustice directly on the forum, however any criticism was quickly suppressed by removal of the posts and issuing a ban to the author, silencing all attempts of the community to support me.
On the other hand, while I was locked out of my accounts - unable to defend myself, defamation was being publicly spread on the Amazon Seller Forums daily, where the cabal of bullies could now freely celebrate their malicious achievement with no recourse.
The bullying and defamation literally destroyed my life. The Amazon Seller community means everything to me, all my friends are there and I dedicated my whole life to Amazon. I was forcibly removed out of my community just because the Amazon moderators wanted to have peace on the forum and this was easier to achieve by my removal than having to take action against the abusive bullies who wanted me gone.
I will do my best to achieve justice by all possible means, expose the abusive bullies, clear my name after the misery which was enforced on me and return back to the Amazon Seller community where I belong.
Since many sellers reached out to me and suggested to set up a GoFundMe page, I decided to give it a try, despite I am normally not a person who asks for anything but rather gives.
This is not about money at all. I just wanted to present my story and let other Amazon sellers express their support.
If it was so easy, I would have contacted Amazon and shown them all the evidence of abuse I have, however the company is unreachable, doesn’t offer sellers any official channels how to reach out for help and the Seller Forums are managed by a few of the highest level executive employees who apparently have no one above them.
I would like to have my posting privileges reinstated and be given the option to talk to someone from Amazon, who can listen to me and review the entire matter.
I have thousands of screenshots documenting all the abuse which I wish to show directly to Amazon. I would like to present them everything and finally get help.
Thank you everyone from the bottom of my heart.
This is me as you know me, attending official Amazon events in London:
A handwritten letter and a t-shirt sent to me earlier last year directly from the company’s Seattle HQ to thank me for my contributions on the Amazon Seller Forums:
A screenshot of my Amazon Seller Forum profile prior to the ban:
Read the comments under the fundraiser, they are all from impartial Amazon sellers who witnessed the abuse on the forums.