Help Frampton Overcome A Double Tumor Surgery
Donation protected
Hi, my name is Sabrina, and I am asking for help in raising money to pay for my puggle, Frampton's, double tumor removal surgery. These past two months have been full of stress trying to figure out what exactly has been wrong with this little guy.

We only adopted Frampton 2 years ago from a family member who could no longer care for him. Soon after adopting him, he showed signs of increased water intake, excessive urination, and a lot of panting. We were very concerned since this was quite a difference from the spunky, high energy puggle we knew. Upon testing, we found out he had Cushings Disease (a serious health condition in dogs that occurs when the adrenal glands produce too much cortisol.)
After treating him successfully with medication, fast forward to 2 months ago. He was squinting his eye, which if you've seen him, is very weird because of his huge bug eyes. This was the start to much bigger issues. During testing at the vet, they noticed that he was struggling with low eye pressure, and his calcium level was extremely high. Our vet said this could likely be due to his parathyroid gland overproducing calcium. In order to see if this was the case, they performed an ultrasound on his neck. This confirmed a tumor on one of his right parathyroid glands. They referred us to a specialized surgeon (this surgery has to be done by someone specialized due to the tumor being so close to his carotid artery).
We dropped him overnight on July 2nd for surgery on July 3rd. We were told this would be an easy surgery and that they wanted to do another ultrasound to check to see if he had any calcification forming in his body. The surgeon called me before to tell me they reviewed his images and found another tumor. This one on his adrenal gland. This was not the call we wanted. She said they could perform both surgeries in a few weeks so that he only had to go under anesthesia once, being that he's considered a senior dog. This is a much more high-risk surgery for our little man.
Just for the parathyroid removal, they quoted us 7k (pictured in updates), now a second tumor removal put us at 10k.
Nothing could have prepared us for this financially. We don't like asking for help, but this is a large undertaking. We ask that if you are able to give anything at all, we would appreciate it so much. Even if you can't, please help share his story.
We just want him to be happy and healthy.

Sabrina L
Nazareth, PA