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Help Francie and Annette Overcome Tragedy

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On May 20, 2024, a horrific explosion/fire tore through a camper in a campsite in Huntington, PA. Unfortunately, Francie and Annette Glenn were in the camper at that very time.

Both were rushed to UPMC Altoona. Upon getting to Altoona, the hospital staff felt Annette sustained inhalation injuries so she was quickly intubated. Due to the severity of their burns, both were flown to UPMC Mercy hospital in Pittsburgh. While in flight, Francie began exhibiting signs of a heart attack so upon landing in Pittsburgh he was taken through the ER straight to the cath lab. Fortunately, he did not sustain a heart attack and they felt the signs he exhibited were due to stress. He then was admitted to the Burn unit ICU, just a few doors down from Annette.

On Tuesday morning, May 21, the staff attempted to lower Annette’s ventilator settings but she was too weak to breathe on her own. She then underwent a scope, and it showed that her lungs were swollen. The chest x-ray also showed signs of an infection. It was later determined that she had Staph Pneumonia.

Francie suffered 2nd and 3rd degree burns to 40% of his body. Annette suffered 2nd and 3rd degree burns to 33% of her body. Both would need to undergo skin grafts.

The skin grafting was scheduled for Friday, May 24th, for both Francie and Annette. Francie went to the OR first. He did well throughout the surgery, however, suffered serious post-surgical complications. His blood pressure dropped rapidly and he coded, thankfully the staff was able to revive him quickly. It was determined that the reason for the cardiac arrest was significant blood loss. He required 8 units of blood. The bleeding was due to the extensive grafting required for his legs. Due to Francie’s incident, Annette’s surgery was postponed until May 25th. Annette also did well during the surgery. She underwent grafts on her hands, chest, stomach, and foot.

Francie’s oxygen began dropping overnight and on May 26th, he was placed on high flow oxygen and diagnosed with pneumonia. Annette was able to finally be extubated on the 26th. She is able to finally breathe on her own. As anyone would be, her anxiety at this time is very high, and the staff and family are doing their best to keep her calm.

Both will remain in the hospital for several more weeks enduring several more surgeries. This last week has been filled with so many ups and downs. And the family was warned that there will be good days, but there will also be bad days. This long, hard and difficult road has just begun. They need many prayers of comfort, healing, and peace.

I have organized this GoFundMe to help offset any costs they will endure at this time. And also help with the monthly bills of living that won’t stop just because of this awful incident. To help lessen one worry. The timeframe for their return to their normal lives/jobs is unknown. And at this time isn’t even certain. The family was told that they both may suffer from some loss of function in their hands. We don’t know what the future holds at this time. We can only hope, and pray for the absolute best outcome for them both.


  • Barbara Behe
    • $50
    • 2 mos
  • Tom Novak
    • $50
    • 2 mos
  • Anonima
    • $25
    • 3 mos
  • Kishlock Chris
    • $125
    • 3 mos
  • Adrienne Rabatin
    • $50
    • 3 mos

Organizzatore e beneficiario

Ashli Lutz
Lilly, PA
Tylor Glenn

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