Help Friends of Puvungna Preserve Sacred Land
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On 9/27/2019 (California Native Day ) CSULB dumped roughly 6,400 cubic yards of construction debris and soil from an on-campus student housing project to Puvungna without proper consultation with its tribal stakeholders, as previously agreed upon. The university's contractors drove heavy equipment over ceremonial areas and had plans to build parking lots and structures. A lawsuit was entered shortly after. Fast forward to September 2021 - A settlement was reached, prohibiting the university from developing or damaging (a partial area) of Puvungna and allowing tribal groups to use Puvungna for traditional ceremonies. 2024 ....Our work is only beginning. We need to raise funds for soil removal and establish ourselves as a land conservancy. As caretakers of Puvungna, Friends of Puvungna's goal is to continue to preserve and protect the sacred site of Puvungna for future generations. Our mission is to preserve and protect the sacred lands of Puvunga to its natural, historical state and open-space. To restore Puvungna as a place of healing and to honor our the land and the ancestors by caretaking the land for all people but most importantly for future generations. Please help support one of California's most precious and at-risk sacred sites.
Rebecca Robles
Huntington Beach, CA