Funerals & Cremations for the Indigent & Unclaimed
"Money's only good for what good it can do."
- Peter Stefan, Funeral Director at Graham Putnam & Mahoney Funeral Parlors
We are raising money to fund funerals and cremations for the abandoned, unclaimed, and indigent. In addition, our Go Fund Me page is to help those struggling with financial hardship, many of whom may die from the Coronavirus.
At Graham Putnam & Mahoney Funeral Parlors we have always operated under the belief that every person who comes into our care is somebody's parent, sibling, or child. It doesn't matter if that person's body is abandoned or unclaimed, or if a family cannot pay for a funeral or cremation. We believe that turning away an individual in death is unconscionable. Everyone deserves a humane and respectful end.
Unfortunately, the Commonwealth of Massachusetts does not provide adequate support to funeral homes for the cremation of indigent or unclaimed dead – this includes Veterans. Funeral homes are forced to make the difficult and unfair decision of turning away the dead or paying for cremation out of their own pockets. This is not sustainable and leads to bodies waiting for months – or longer – for cremation. Nobody wants that for someone they love.
Therefore, it is our goal to raise funds to assist any funeral home in Massachusetts, including Graham Putnam & Mahoney Funeral Parlors, that needs financial assistance to cover funeral or cremation services for any indigent, abandoned, or unclaimed person. This also includes funerals and cremations for indigent Veterans.
We at Graham Putnam & Mahoney will collect any donations and through our extensive connections in the funeral industry, will distribute funds as needed. If you'd like to learn more about Graham Putnam & Mahoney, click here .
Respect is not measured in dollars and cents – but if you can possibly donate some of your dollars and cents, you will be helping those less fortunate have a respectful end.
Thank you for your care.
Peter Stefan and the team at Graham Putnam & Mahoney Funeral Parlors