Help fund the pubquizquestions website
Donation protected
PubQuizQuestions.net is a site run by quizmasters for quizmasters. We don't charge for people to use it, we don't run adverts, we don't sell anything from the site.
Since the Corona virus has hit and most of the planet is in lockdown we have seen the traffic to the site increase 1900% (yes, really). We lost our jobs when the pubs, clubs and bars shut and the site is an expense that none of us can really afford anymore and we have a choice between asking the users to help fund the increasing running costs of the site (we are currently eating over 100gb of data a day) or shutting the site down.
If everyone who uses the site paid £1 the costs of the site would be covered for a very long time.
In exchange for your donation we'll send you a little present!
Mr Sleeps