Help funeral funds for Abdiwahid and Abdurahman
Inna Lillahi wa inna ilayhi raji'un.
asalamu alaiykum brothers and sisters. Abduwahid(shown in picture) and his brother Abdurahman were both shot and killed in front of their own home . I want to help their Aunt and family with funeral funds and any other needs. They are both orphans and deserve more help. The Aunt wants to get all of the kids who survived out of Kansas City to try and get the burden of these deaths off their mind all day. Even though that will be hard, moving to another country could help them grief better and feel safer. We want to raise even more money now so they can not only pay for the funeral but to leave and find a safer home. Please donate what you can. Anything helps. May Allah grant them the highest jannah. Ameen. Please donate what you can. Thank you.
I am Abdurahman Abu, a great friend of the two brothers. The intended recipient of this fundraiser will be going to their aunt habiyaar Hamdi. The proceeds will be spent on the funeral costs for the brothers and on living costs for the family( his other brother and 4 cousins he lived with) to leave this unsafe area and to move somewhere better. The proceeds will provide for them for a while in order to grief and so they don’t have to work. They authorized for me to receive the funds and to hand it to them in person outside of GoFund me. I will have the money transferred to my bank and write her a check every time money is deposited into my account. Not one cent will be given or taken by me.