Help FWB purchase wildland firefighting equipment
Since 1990, wildland fires across Canada have consumed an average of 2.5 million hectares a year.
These fires occur in forests, shrub lands and grasslands. Most are uncontrolled wildfires started by lightning or human carelessness.
The most active period for forest fires is from May through September. Wildfires can cause extensive damage and put lives in danger. Smoke from wildfires can be a significant health hazard.
Donations for wildland firefighting equipment will allow FWB to provide remote communities with some level of early firefighting capability and, most importantly, the ability to focus increased protection on community infrastructure.
The kits will include:
Hand tools such as rakes, brooms and axes to create fire brakes, smother brush and grass fires.
Backpack style water spray extinguishers to extinguish spot fires caused by airborne embers.
Portable water pumps and light weight hose to extinguish fires.
Portable water tanks that can transport water by pick up truck to be used by the portable pumps.
With evacuations already announced for this season in Western Canada, we need your support now so we can make a difference.
Help us equip the wildfire heroes of tomorrow!
Learn more about the work that we do:
Firefighters without Borders