Help Gabby Focus on RECOVERY post Cardiac Arrest.
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Gabby Ho, Our happy, personable, passionate, optimistic cousin requires our immediate help. We need to raise a minimum of $10,000 to offset the financial stress that Gabby, my aunt and uncle will endure while Gabby recovers from cardiac arrest due to anaphylactic shock. She will suffer permanent brain damage due to gross negligence from someone not following simple instructions at a Tim Hortons in Winnipeg. To add insult to injury, she was met with a drug-induced anaphylactic reaction in the hospital. The medication that was ordered failed to be recognized as an allergen by the Doctor, the Pharmacist and the Nurse who administered it. Our cousin not only suffered ONCE but TWICE! We have no idea how long Gabby will be in the hospital to allow her brain to recover and relearn basic motor skills. Considering the secondary reaction was in the hospital, my aunt has a hard time leaving my cousin's side. She wants to be there to make sure this does not happen again. Our family is heartbroken at what Gabby has endured. We are hoping to raise as much as we can to help pay Gabby’s bills and recover wage loss. The extra money that is raised will go towards the legal costs she will face when she sues for negligence. We're setting incremental goals of $2,000, and we're determined to reach our first milestone promptly. Let's rally together to help keep Gabby focused on her precious time to recover, and to have her mom and dad at her side without financial stress.
Hi, my name is Erin, and I have my sister Miranda assisting me, with this Go Fund Me for our younger cousin Gabby. Gabby suffered an injury that was life-altering and strong enough to change her life forever. What happened? read below for detail. Gabby has always had a severe allergy to dairy products. I can remember my aunty reading every label on everything, right down to the fine print to make sure my cousin would avoid an allergic reaction. To put things into perspective how severe her allergy is, one day my mom had some chips that contained lactose (she didn’t know at the time). She finished eating those chips and wiped her hands clean on a napkin then just simply touched Gabby to say hello, and within seconds Gabby had full body hives and swelling.
On June 9th, 2023, Gabby would experience a life-altering event that her mother so carefully prevented in Gabby’s child/teen years. But alas, Gabby is now an adult and is out and about in the world. At just 25 years old she loves life, loves friends, and loves being independent. On the day in question, Gabby ordered a tea from the Tim Hortons online app and specifically stated "Almond milk". She happily walked to the “Timmies” to pick up her order, just as she always does on her break at work. When she took a sip she instantly knew that they had messed up her order. They had put cream instead of Almond milk. She called her mom instantly a panic as her body started to react telling her what had happened. Her mom advised her to use her epi-pen, which she did. But Gabby knew it wouldn’t be enough, and she told her mom the same. Gabby then used her Epi-pen and her co-worker rushed her to the hospital via car. An ambulance would have taken too long to wait for. Her co-worker arrived at the emergency doors just as Gabby started to go into Cardiac Arrest. Emergency staff performed 8 minutes of cardiac resuscitation and finally got Gabby’s pulse back. Gabby was then sent to the MICU where she was sedated and hooked up to multiple machines to help her body rest after the traumatic event. My aunt was told that it was very likely that Gabby will have an anoxic brain injury. As to the extent, they did not know. My aunt, Uncle and Gabby’s siblings waited patiently for Gabby to regain consciousness. When that time came, Gabby was very emotional to learn that she had died. Her coordination is not as it used to be. She became frustrated when she would try to use her phone or do other simple things that required coordination. Days later Gabby was assisted with exercises the physiotherapist had set for her. She was able to stand assisted on both sides and pick up both legs although with great difficulty, to a 90-degree angle. She was able to slowly step forward and backwards but with very poor motor movement. This was upsetting, but she didn’t give up too easily. She was able to slowly walk with 2 persons assisting at each side. Things were looking up for our family. She was working on her motor skills and was finally smiling again. That was until her EEG results showed that her brain was having constant seizures. This news was painful for our family to hear because we knew it wasn’t good news for her recovery or future and could lead to further brain injury. The doctors were not expecting this at all. So they ordered her some medication to stop the seizures. The doctor ordered a medication that just happened to have lactose in it. The doctor failed to check if this medication had lactose!! It was also missed by the pharmacist and the nurse! 3 STEPS of missed checks could have prevented what had happened next. My cousin suffered another anaphylactic reaction. This time thankfully in the hospital where they addressed it ASAP. She did not go into cardiac arrest during this event. However Gabby is emotionally, physically, and mentally exhausted. It is unknown how long she will be in the hospital to recover. As a young adult, she has bills to pay. As well as my aunt and uncle who are also missing a great amount of work to be there at their daughter’s side to support her. I want to minimize the financial stress on them as this is not something they need in the background when their focus should be on Gabby's recovery. We still do not know the extent of her brain injuries. So any donation/share would be appreciated to offset the financial strain on them during this hard time. If we raise enough, the extra money will go towards legal fees when she is ready and capable of suing for gross negligence. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for helping in any way you can. We Love all the support we can get. Even if it's "air hugs" or well wishes. Thank you for your time. Sincerely, Erin and Miranda on behalf of our baby cousin Gabby!
EDIT: WOW! So amazing! We exceeded the $10,000 I wasn’t expecting this much love. Thank you to everyone who donated or gave a well wish or a share, our hearts are so full. I changed the goal to $20,000. Let’s see if we can get her close to that amount! That would 100% take the stress off of her and her immediate family as well as be enough to pay a retainer for the lawyer as well as ensure she is set up for any medical expenses she will need once discharged from the hospital to improve her quality of life. We LOVE you All!
Hi, my name is Erin, and I have my sister Miranda assisting me, with this Go Fund Me for our younger cousin Gabby. Gabby suffered an injury that was life-altering and strong enough to change her life forever. What happened? read below for detail. Gabby has always had a severe allergy to dairy products. I can remember my aunty reading every label on everything, right down to the fine print to make sure my cousin would avoid an allergic reaction. To put things into perspective how severe her allergy is, one day my mom had some chips that contained lactose (she didn’t know at the time). She finished eating those chips and wiped her hands clean on a napkin then just simply touched Gabby to say hello, and within seconds Gabby had full body hives and swelling.
On June 9th, 2023, Gabby would experience a life-altering event that her mother so carefully prevented in Gabby’s child/teen years. But alas, Gabby is now an adult and is out and about in the world. At just 25 years old she loves life, loves friends, and loves being independent. On the day in question, Gabby ordered a tea from the Tim Hortons online app and specifically stated "Almond milk". She happily walked to the “Timmies” to pick up her order, just as she always does on her break at work. When she took a sip she instantly knew that they had messed up her order. They had put cream instead of Almond milk. She called her mom instantly a panic as her body started to react telling her what had happened. Her mom advised her to use her epi-pen, which she did. But Gabby knew it wouldn’t be enough, and she told her mom the same. Gabby then used her Epi-pen and her co-worker rushed her to the hospital via car. An ambulance would have taken too long to wait for. Her co-worker arrived at the emergency doors just as Gabby started to go into Cardiac Arrest. Emergency staff performed 8 minutes of cardiac resuscitation and finally got Gabby’s pulse back. Gabby was then sent to the MICU where she was sedated and hooked up to multiple machines to help her body rest after the traumatic event. My aunt was told that it was very likely that Gabby will have an anoxic brain injury. As to the extent, they did not know. My aunt, Uncle and Gabby’s siblings waited patiently for Gabby to regain consciousness. When that time came, Gabby was very emotional to learn that she had died. Her coordination is not as it used to be. She became frustrated when she would try to use her phone or do other simple things that required coordination. Days later Gabby was assisted with exercises the physiotherapist had set for her. She was able to stand assisted on both sides and pick up both legs although with great difficulty, to a 90-degree angle. She was able to slowly step forward and backwards but with very poor motor movement. This was upsetting, but she didn’t give up too easily. She was able to slowly walk with 2 persons assisting at each side. Things were looking up for our family. She was working on her motor skills and was finally smiling again. That was until her EEG results showed that her brain was having constant seizures. This news was painful for our family to hear because we knew it wasn’t good news for her recovery or future and could lead to further brain injury. The doctors were not expecting this at all. So they ordered her some medication to stop the seizures. The doctor ordered a medication that just happened to have lactose in it. The doctor failed to check if this medication had lactose!! It was also missed by the pharmacist and the nurse! 3 STEPS of missed checks could have prevented what had happened next. My cousin suffered another anaphylactic reaction. This time thankfully in the hospital where they addressed it ASAP. She did not go into cardiac arrest during this event. However Gabby is emotionally, physically, and mentally exhausted. It is unknown how long she will be in the hospital to recover. As a young adult, she has bills to pay. As well as my aunt and uncle who are also missing a great amount of work to be there at their daughter’s side to support her. I want to minimize the financial stress on them as this is not something they need in the background when their focus should be on Gabby's recovery. We still do not know the extent of her brain injuries. So any donation/share would be appreciated to offset the financial strain on them during this hard time. If we raise enough, the extra money will go towards legal fees when she is ready and capable of suing for gross negligence. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for helping in any way you can. We Love all the support we can get. Even if it's "air hugs" or well wishes. Thank you for your time. Sincerely, Erin and Miranda on behalf of our baby cousin Gabby!
EDIT: WOW! So amazing! We exceeded the $10,000 I wasn’t expecting this much love. Thank you to everyone who donated or gave a well wish or a share, our hearts are so full. I changed the goal to $20,000. Let’s see if we can get her close to that amount! That would 100% take the stress off of her and her immediate family as well as be enough to pay a retainer for the lawyer as well as ensure she is set up for any medical expenses she will need once discharged from the hospital to improve her quality of life. We LOVE you All!
Organizer and beneficiary
Erin Evans
Esquimalt, BC
Katy Rondeau