Help Geovanny Zambrano Avoid Leg Amputation
Donation protected

My father Geovanny Zambrano is going through a health problem due to a bacteria that has slowly destroyed his bones, which is why half of his foot was amputated. The high costs of hospitalization and medication (strong antibiotics to fight the infection) do not allow us to continue his treatment for now. For this reason, I ask for your help in collaborating so that we can continue with his treatment and thus avoid the amputation of his leg. My family and I thank you with all our hearts.
Mi padre Geovanny Zambrano está atravesando un quebranto de salud a consecuencia de una bacteria que ha destruido poco a poco sus huesos por tal motivo amputaron la mitad de su pie. Los altos costos de hospitalización y de medicamentos (antibióticos fuertes para combatir la infección) no nos permiten seguir su tratamiento por ahora. Por ese motivo pido su ayuda colaborando para poder seguir con su tratamiento y asi evitar la amputación de su pierna. Mi familia y yo se lo agradecemos de todo corazón.
Marina Zambrano
New Brunswick, NJ