Help get these rotted teeth out
Hello, I'm Jeremy, 28, father to my hopefully soon to be adopted son Raiden, who is turning 5. I have a wonderful wife and life is great. Except that I have more than half a mouth full of teeth either rotting or breaking, and I am in almost constant pain. The pain is so bad I literally wake up in tears, I have to stop what I'm doing throughout the day just because I can't handle it. I'm pretty much unable to work, and my wife is working extremely hard to keep us above water but I need to be able to help and right now we can't afford anything extra, and I have no insurance. I'm looking into colleges for cheaper work, indegent programs ect but I don't qualify for many of the Care credit and other programs. I've had bad teeth my whole life, drank bad town water, I didn't receive all the dental care I needed as a child and teen and regardless of HOW someone's teeth got this way, no one should suffer like this. I'm worried about infection in my gums and I need to be here for my son and wife. They're my world and right now we are dealing with a lot. Any little bit would help and I appreciate any and all sharing, thoughts, prayer and blessings as well.