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Help give the gift of hearing

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Those of you who know me personally know that I would never ask for help if I wasn’t out of options.

My step daughter Kathy has retinitis pigmentosa, a degenerative disease that is slowly robbing her of her ability to hear and see.

When Kathy was young her hearing and sight were good enough for her to get around. As time has progressed she has slowly lost all of her hearing and has minimal sight (especially in dark environments).

Ten years ago, Kathy was able to purchase a pair of hearing aids but now Her hearing aids are not 10 years old and not functioning and often screech and do not work well.

Thanks to the generosity of The Starkey Hearing Aid company, she has an opportunity to purchase a new set of hearing aids! Unfortunately, the remaining portion of the hearing aids will cost her $4,000. Something she can not afford since she is a single mom and is unable to work due to her disabilities. 

Please  consider helping Kathy out and help give her the gift of hearing. Every penny will help.

The world is a VERY lonely and isolating place when you can’t hear or see!


  • Jason Curl
    • $50
    • 6 yrs


Kathy Eberly Ovitt
Hamburg, NJ

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