Help Giving a fulfilling year to our Bochurim
Mivtzoim starts at home" Yeshiva is our home! For over 20 years, the Yeshiva of Postville, Iowa Founded by Sholom Mordechai Rubashkin, has been serving Bochurim from all over the world. The Yeshiva’s dedicated Hanholo work endlessly to enable every precious Bochur reach their goals. But the Hanholo are limited and cannot do it on their own. The Shluchim are there to give that extra help and excitement and Chayus in learning, through Mivtzas (extra-curricular learning) and exciting programs. The Bochurim are encouraged to learn Sichos, Maamarim, Chitas, Rambam, etc. come on time to Seder and to improve themselves spiritually. The Shluchim are not able to operate without the proper resources. Thus, we turn to you, asking for your help and support. Please give generously, allowing the Rebbe’s work continue. And may we merit to the ultimate redemption, with the imminent arrival of Moshiach, Amen