Help Glock & Rory get a safe home.
I am making this go fund me on behalf of Rory, the mom of Glock, a deaf dog. Glock was stolen from her, and ended up arriving at the local shelter as a stray. Her story of their reunion went viral when the shelter waived the pet redemption fee. https://people.com/pets/florida-animal-shelter-goes-viral-facebook-not-charging-owner-to-reunite-with-dog/?utm_source=facebook&utm_medium=news_tab&utm_content=algorithm&fbclid=IwAR1B7MPvlOCarJd8p9BzjH7q8G-PKd6Ino9Eww8vFtMihQuztwuV5emMKHw
Many people have reached out to me to inquire about their well-being and also expressed they would like to help Rory and Glock. The generosity and kindness of everyone has been truly inspiring and humbling.
I went to their address last week to share some treats, toys, and dog food. When I got to know more about Rory’s situation, my heart broke. I decided I would try to help her with a go fund me so she can get back on her feet and find secure and safe housing.
I debate how much detail to share because I want to be respectful to Rory and maintain her dignity. I hope this is enough to help contextualize her situation while remaining respectful.
Her current living situation is unsafe and unstable; there is a genuine possibility she could lose her current living arrangement and not have a place to go. While she has a roof over her head, it is in disrepair, without electricity or a kitchen sink. She would go across the street to use her neighbor’s phone to check the lost pets listings on the shelter’s website because she doesn’t have a phone. After learning more about some of the things that have happened, I believe it was her landlord who stole Glock and brought him to the shelter as a “stray.”
It's clear she’s proud, strong, and makes things work the best she can. Despite the hardship, she always finds a way to ensure her pets are fed and have their basic needs met.
It’s difficult for someone to get back on their feet or even find assistance with so many hurdles. With no car, no phone, no money, and housing insecurity, it is even more challenging. I hope to help facilitate some support to give her a soft place to land and some room to breathe.
We have to look out for each other; everyone needs help sometimes. Today you, tomorrow me.