Help Heal Hani Honey Hives
Hi, I'm Amber Powers of Powers Digital Marketing. A couple of days ago, I received a text from Emily Mauri, the Owner of Jar Zero Waste Shop. In her text she explained to Rhiana Rolland, myself and Casey Darling Kniffin (Owner of Naturally Darling Elderberry Syrup) that the owners of Hani Honey Company had just walked into complete devastation of their Saw Palmetto hives. We knew this meant we needed to rally to support our local treasure. We so appreciate you taking the time to read their story below and that you carefully consider what to give. If you're asking what's in it for you (other than warm fuzzies of course), you'll find out at the end - so keep reading!
Our family business, Hani Honey Company, is located in Stuart, Florida in Martin County. We have a multi faceted business. We are the farmer, we harvest our crop, we package, and we sell it to both consumers and retailers as well as markets and restaurants here in our local community and beyond. We are beyond grateful for that and in turn, take as much time as we possibly can to give back and educate about Pollinators. We serve as officers and volunteer with Non Profit Organizations like Slow Food USA and Florida State Beekeepers Association. These organizations help make sure that EVERYONE is treated fairly and has access to good, clean and fair food. As well, they allow the opportunity to manage Honeybees here in Florida.
At Hani Honey, we care for our Bees immensely. Our practices for management and placement bring us to areas of our county that are very undeveloped, giving our bees access to ample and diverse clean forage. In many cases, we have our bees placed on Agriculture Land we lease, where land owners want to help support the bees and appreciate them being there. Many of these bee yards, are long term and we establish strong bonds of friendship with the owners and people that tend the livestock and land.
In the Spring, we placed our bees on an 80 acre parcel in Palm City that we have used for years. We love the land, the people who own and use it, the cows and vastness of nature that we get to enjoy as well as the ample forage available to our bees. We check on them weekly, especially the last few weeks as it was very dry, then very rainy. With wind and other storms in our area we have to be extra attentive. From last week to this week, our bees were exposed to something that tragically killed a majority of the foragers that were out collecting nectar to bring back to their hives. Showing up to check on your bees and finding them on the ground struggling with signs of a neurological issues, twitching, dying, and dead en mass, is nothing I would wish on anyone. We are still reeling from the discovery, not sure how we will recover, and taking it one day at a time. We know the photos and videos below may be disturbing, but we wanted to be very transparent with the issue(s) we're facing.
We are collecting samples of the bees to have them sent to a lab to be tested. It is unlikely we will know who used a chemical in the area that could cause this kind of catastrophe, but at least we will have some sort of answer. That answer will help us responsibly handle our equipment so we don't collect honey that may be contaminated for the bees and public safety, which is huge in our book. In the long run, we want to educate the public, people who care, to know what kind of practices they may be using at home that could do this. From there, they can ask questions like, "should I hire someone to use a treatment on my property?" With further education, the public would know what is toxic, residual, and what is safe/non-lethal in proximity of Honeybees.
Most people we meet and interact with don't want to see Pollinators harmed, but they also don't know how to manage pests, weeds, and other issues and this can lead to a problem like this. We want to be able to provide that type of education.
Sadly, we will likely not have a harvest of Saw Palmetto Honey this season. The first time in over 10 years, which is very unsettling. It is one of our favorite honeys from a special Native Plant. I recommend everyone plant this in their landscape, and please consider planting other native pollinator friendly habitat, as our bees and other pollinators are struggling to find adequate forage. We really appreciate our community working together, to support something this important. If you like to eat, it is vital we take care of Pollinators, because much of our food supply is dependent on them.
We are thrilled to meet and interact with so many of you, and your stories of your gardens, your love or interest in bees, farming, gardening, honey, truly enrich our day to day activities and give us the fuel to keep going. Thank you sincerely for your support.
How to support us and what you'll receive (other than our undying gratitude):
For everyone who donates, you will receive a jar of next year's Saw Palmetto Honey harvest. Please see details below. Also, if you want honey, please fill in ALL of your contact information so we know who to reach out to when our harvest is ready to send next year.
$25 donation you get 1 small jar 6oz jar
$50 donation you get 1lb
$100 or more 3lb
Thank you so much for your support of Hani Honey. All funds will be dedicated to rebuilding our hives. We love what we do and we know you do too. Communities are rallying behind their favorite brands hit by COVID 19. Unfortunately, we've been hit with a double whammy which makes us appreciate your support even more.
Another way to support us is through your honey orders right now which you can place by visiting www.hanihoneycompany.com.