Help Hector receive his Hero Arm
Hello all, my name is Hector Rubio, I am 24 and currently living in Chicago Heights, IL.
The purpose for this fundraiser, is so that I could reach my goal in receiving a prosthetic arm, a HERO ARM.
I was in a ATV accident August 8th, 2020. The ATV had tipped over while my arm got dragged by the sand and the metal bar. My arm took a full blow from the vehicle, smashing it in to two parts there and then. My arm was severely damaged and I was transported to the hospital. I had 2 surgeries done in the attempt to try to save it from amputation. Unfortunately, after the second attempt it couldn’t be saved. Now I am not able to do the things I had been able to do for myself, it has been a drastic change for me and I have yet to get used to many things. It's been seven months and finally my arm is ready for a prosthetic... however I was unable to work afterwards, and still can’t. I was left with no working options and denied by disability. As many of you may or may not know, the prosthetic arms are very pricey. It caught my family and I by a very big surprise and that is why we are asking for your help. Donations would be greatly appreciated, even a simple like or share! It would mean the world to me if my campaign can spread across to everyone!