Help Helen Get Well And Home
Donation protected
Hi, My wife Helen went to the Uk from Spain for a visit. She is a British National with Spanish Residency. She fell ill with an exploded bowel whilst in the UK and had to undergo emergency surgery to save her life.
The surgeon had to remove a section of the small intestine and reconnect it. The removed part was sent off for analysis. The results have now come back and she has been diagnosed with GIST Tumours which is a rare cancer of the small bowel.
The NHS has now given us a bill for up to £20,000 for her treatment even though we have both worked and paid NI and tax all our working lives. Helen is stuck in the UK waiting for treatment and tests. Helen has no funds to provide her with basics as she wasn't prepared for such a long stay.
Helen needs to pay for accommodation, food, travel and other basics etc. She has now been away from home for 2 months and it may be a lot longer. I hate to ask for help but if you can donate we will be eternally grateful. I know people will think that we must be rich living in Spain but far from it. Covid 19 wiped out our business and we now live on a very small pension.
If We can get her back to Spain the Health System over here is better than the NHS in that the waiting lists are shorter. Her prognosis would be better back in Spain.
Karl Winslade
Alcóntar, AN