Help Historic Campbell's Bakery
Covid Sucks.
I remember when we shut down in March of last year telling my amazing wife "I don't think we can survive this." Back then we didn't know how long the shut down would take or what would happen, but now we do. I have closed TWO restaurants in the past two months. All because of COVID.
Opening a restaurant is expensive, but CLOSING a restaurant is equally expensive. The hole we got in because of the shut down we imagined would be filled with programs such as the EIDL (we were denied) or several grants (we didn't get them) or even the PPP (we got less than 20% of what was needed to pay our bills) but it wasn't. It just kept getting deeper, and at a certain point we had to stop digging. But that still leaves us in a hole and the only shovel we have is Campbell's Bakery.
We would love to ask people to support the bakery so it doesn't close as well, and we are asking that! But there is a ceiling that we can't break through with bakery sales alone until we get through this pandemic and can hire, train, and increase our production. That isn't going to happen overnight.
I consider myself a business owner, and asking for this kind of help goes against my nature. If I am here asking, I am at the end of my rope.
I have always believed we are in this world together, and that serving people is the best way to live. It's why I started the If You're Buying We're Selling campaign with fellow business owners and friends. It's why we strive to serve people each day a the bakery. It's how I live my life and I am hoping that there are others out there who try to do the same.
When we closed Campbell's Craft Donuts it surprised SO MANY people and they all said variations of "if we had known how bad it was" or "I hate we couldn't help more." This is me then letting others know how dire the situation is for Campbell'sBakery. If it is left to pay the debt load back for the closing of the other two restaurants it may not make it, and we need help.
Thank you for reading this. It helps just to say it.