Help save Ifrah's life- Kidney Transplant needed
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My name is Jama Abdillahi and on the 13th of May 2022 my life changed forever. My daughter Ifrah, a type 1 diabetic suffered a blood sugar spike and fell into a coma. Having done my best to care for her since she was diagnosed with this condition at the age of 9, this situation was a terrifying reality. Here she was in a small town in Somalia, with minimal medical resources and almost lifeless. But little did I know that the worst was yet to come.
With the mercy of Allah and the support of my family and friends, I was able to hire the only private ambulance in the region and rush her from the local town hospital to a larger city hospital with better medical services. After a few days in hospital, she was out of the coma and so I was hopeful for her recovery.
However, very quickly I was given some devastating news. I was told that my 17-year-old daughter’s kidneys had stopped working properly and that she would need urgent dialysis to remove waste from her blood. This meant that she would need to stay in hospital for even longer, to have the 3 weekly dialysis sessions. My monthly wage is equivalent to one day of dialysis. It is only with the mercy of Allah that I had been able to help my daughter get this far.
On the 26th of May 2022, I was given the most life-changing news. Doctors sat me down and told me that my daughter’s kidney function had not improved and that she would need a kidney transplant urgently. They added that they did not have the expertise or resources to carry out this type of operation and so I would need to take her abroad. As a parent with no financial means, having relied on borrowed and donated money up until this point, receiving this news felt like the world around me was collapsing. To sit by your child’s bedside every day and see the look of fear and helplessness in her eyes is heart-breaking for me. Although I have reserved my tears for dark nights and my prayer mat, I would like to share her story. In the hope that through the will of Allah, the mercy of his ummah and the generosity of the human family my daughter’s life can be saved.
I ask of anyone reading this to assist me in any way you can.
If you can, please donate; however little you may think it is, it will help bring us closer to the goal. I ask of you to share my story, in person and on social media. Most importantly, I ask of you to remember my daughter and my family in your prayers, as it may be as a result of one of your prayers that Allah cures her. I pray that Allah multiplies your charity and that it serves as a proof for you all on the last day, Ameen
Somali summary:
Macagaygu waa Jaamac C/lahi. Waxaan ahay aabaha Ifrah, 17 jir ah oo hadda kusugan xaalad halis ah. Ifrah markay jirtay 9 sano waxaa haleelay ( ku dhacay) xanuunka macaanka khaasatan kiisa loo yaqaan Type 1 oo ah kan irbada uun qofku qaadanayo. 13 bisha May 2022 ayaa Ifrah koomo gashay. Waxaan ula cararay Cusbitaalka, hal wiik iyo maalmo ay koomo kujirtay. Waxay dhakhaatiirtu iisheegeen war aanan ku farxin, inkastoo qadarka ilaahay ay tahay inaynu Allah ugu shukrino waxkasta oo ina haleela. Warkaas murgada leh oo ahaa inay gabadhayda Ifrah aysan kelyaheedu shaqaynayn, dhaqitaan degdeg ahna u baahantahay, wiigii walbana 3 jeer ugu yaraan la dhaqayo. Waxay sidoo kale iisheegeen inaysan wax kale oo ay ka qaban karaan aysan jirin , balse dalka dibadiisa wax lagaga qaban karo, taasoo ubaahan qarash badan oo aanan awoodin anigu. Waataas ta igu kaliiftay inaan idinla wadaago sheekada Ifrah, sidaa daradeed waxaan ka codsanaya walalaha muslimiinta ah inay wixii ay nagu saacidi karaan ay nagu saacidaan, si aan Ifrah ula tacaalno oo aan dhakhtar dibada ugu qaadno si degdeg ah. Waxkasta oo aad kucaawiso Ifrah duco ama kaalmo dhaqaale waad ku mahadsantihiin, Jazakallah.
Abdi Hersi