Help Immigrant Youth Find Safety and Hope
Tax deductible
This holiday season, the Latino Racial Justice Circle (LRJC) invites you to bring hope and safety to local immigrant youth. Through our partnership with the Pro Bono Resource Center (PBRC), we have identified three young people whose situations qualify them to remain safely in the United States, but to do so, they need immigration legal representation.
Immigrants who have legal counsel are 10x more likely to win their cases and be granted permission to stay in the U.S. Having legal representation opens the door to security, stability, and productivity for these youth.
Please join the LRJC to provide an opportunity for these immigrant teens to seek safety and security by contributing to our legal services fundraiser. Your donation can provide that support for these three young people:
1) Carlos also came to this country as an unaccompanied child, and now lives with his mom. The situation in his home country of Honduras was very difficult. His father abandoned the family when Carlos was very young, and his mother had already left for the U.S., so he had no family to support him in Honduras. He came to the U.S. alone four years ago, when he was only fifteen years old. It took Carlos a month to arrive to the U.S. through Mexico, where parts of his journey were dangerous and challenging, but ultimately he was able to reunite with his mother. If Carlos does not have legal representation, he risks being separated from his mother and returned to a country where he faces danger and lack of opportunity.
2) Diego is Carlos’ younger brother. Like Carlos, he came to the U.S. alone as an unaccompanied child. He entered the country two years ago when he was just fourteen years old, making the same journey that his brother had made earlier. Diego came to the U.S. to be reunited with his brother and mother and to have a life with more security. He needs legal representation so that he can stay with his family safely in the United States and have access to opportunities that are not available to him in Honduras.
3) Gloria is a teenager from Honduras who entered the U.S. three years ago with a guide. She fled Honduras after she and her family were threatened by a gang. She has no immediate family here, and she has been living with her godfather and his family. Gloria wants to stay in the U.S. so that she’ll have more opportunities and be able to live free of the threat of violence. Without legal representation, Gloria risks being returned to a country where she will face dangerous circumstances and have limited opportunities.
With your help, Carlos, Diego, and Gloria will be able to apply for a legal status called Special Immigrant Juvenile Status (SIJS), a pathway to residency for youth who, among other things, have been abused, abandoned, or neglected. They need your help to get immigration attorneys to apply for SIJS and be successful in their cases.
Your contribution can help open the door to a life of safety for these young people so that they can reunite with family and heal, grow, and live full lives free of fear and filled with opportunities.
Thank you for your generosity of heart and your generous contribution!
(Names have been changed for privacy.)
Sources and additional information:
For more information on the Latino Racial Justice Circle:
For more information on the Pro Bono Resource Center:
Kate Jakuta
Towson, MD
Latino Racial Justice Circle Inc.