Help Sherri Potter (Sumner) Battle her Weakness ☀️
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My name is Sherri Potter. I have been an Old Saybrook resident for over 25 years. For those that know me, you know my husband and my seven beautiful children are my entire world.
In May of 2021, I was officially diagnosed with ALS, more commonly known as Lou Gehrig’s disease.
I never thought I would get to a point where I would be strong enough to officially publicize this, but the day has come for me to ask my village for help.
Nobody can protect me from my diagnosis. I cannot cry it away, walk it away, or even therapy it away. It’s just there. Day in and day out. All my family and I can do is accept it. We have to endure it. We have to live through it, learn to find humor in it, and move on with it, all while growing stronger from it.
I think a lot of people have a misconception that grief only happens when we lose people. However, this is not true. My husband, my children, and I grieve parts of myself every day, and yet I am still right here.
In those moments, when the grief feels heavy and we wish that I could be experiencing things the way I used to, we try to remind ourselves that everything can be transformed through the goodness of God.
I may not be able to hold my babies in my arms the same way I used to, or make them their favorite dinners, or birthday cakes, or even go out to dinner with my husband without him having to feed me…
However, I am still able to watch my youngest’s energy shine through him as he plays basketball with some of his best friends. I can still listen and talk to my daughters on a daily basis as they develop into the strong independent women I always hoped they would become. I can still enjoy a beer with my husband and reflect on the amazing life we have created. I can still share in my first borns excitement as he plans his wedding. And I can still see my boys excel at their trades as they bring home yet another toy to tinker with in the backyard.
Our lives changed forever on the day I was diagnosed. My husband and children that I once cared for, are now caring for me.
Romans 8:18 says, “For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worth comparing with the glory that is to be revealed to us.”
I know deep within my soul that the pain that comes with this diagnosis will never compare to the glory of God. In fact, I know this because I’ve seen firsthand how His glory has shone through every aspect of my life. With that, what I request most in this moment of difficulty is your prayers, especially for my children and husband as they help me to navigate through this terrible disease.
For those of you who do not know, ALS is a nervous system disease that weakens muscles and impacts physical function. In this disease, nerve cells break down, which reduces functionality in the muscles they supply. The cause is unknown and the main symptom is muscle weakness. Medication and therapy can slow ALS and reduce discomfort, but unfortunately there's no cure. On average, it costs $125,000-200,00 out-of-pocket a year to live with this disease and prolong life.
I currently have little to no use of both my arms and hands. My legs are beginning to show weakness. And eventually, my body will be in complete paralysis. Our home will soon require modifications and I will begin to require even more adaptive equipment to live safely in my home. Additionally, my husband and children will be unable to maintain my eventual need of round the clock care.
My husband has always worked endless hours to provide for our family, and he continues to do so. For the past 2 years, he has carried the financial burden of my disease on his back, but the yearly costs of living with ALS is far greater than one hard-working man can manage alone, nor should he have to.
Asking for help is not easy for me, this is embarrassing quite honestly, but it’s necessary. Please consider helping my family, and possibly sharing this page with your village. Thank you in advance, and know that we are forever grateful.
We’re praying for a miracle and I can only hope that you’ll do the same.
~ Sherri
Sherri Potter
Old Saybrook, CT