Help Indie secure reliable transportation
Hey, hey,
My name is Indie Johnson, and I am a Black trans fem filmmaker who needs my own reliable transportation. I usually travel for work via public transportation or borrowing a friend's car when needed. Still, to accept more film work outside of the Atlanta perimeter, I need a car of my own.
Yes, I'm Black, trans, and unemployed at the moment (in the traditional 9 to 5 speak). I take small contracts here and there to make ends meet while working on my art/activism via "Sweetness," the film you can learn more about here. Thus, I'm hoping that people see the need and have a desire to fill it. This car will enable me access to get to and from my various jobs and allow me to create a new avenue for business.
Honestly, I'm struggling to write this ask because I come from an upbringing that says "do it yourself," "no one is going to help you, so you need to figure it out," so that's what I've been doing for the most part. But after making community in Atlanta, I realized that it is okay to get help to accomplish anything! I am surrounded by supportive family and friends, and colleagues who want to see me succeed and are willing to help me get there. So I am learning to lean into that more and stop going at things alone. Closed mouths don't get fed. I thoroughly appreciate everyone who has helped me pursue my future thus far and everyone I have yet to meet but know that our paths intersect.
I am raising $7500 to secure a nice size four-door cash vehicle, large enough to carry my film equipment and catering supplies for work. A portion of the funds will also be used to purchase full coverage vehicle insurance for at least a year. I have had my license for years, but I figured that walking and public transportation would be sustainable forever. I was wrong. While walking or on public transportation, I've often been followed to my destinations by men, cat-called/ rolled up on and solicited for sexual favors. I avoid them as best as I can to keep my safety intact. Having my own wheels would reduce those interactions dramatically, especially when I'm just trying to get to work; if you'd like to read more about my strange encounters while out and about, check out my Fat Black Fem blog.
Thank you to everyone who has donated and shared this campaign. You all are the light in the darkness that guides my path.
Every dollar and share counts! Much Love.