Help Inhaã-bé Village Access Clean Water
Donation protected
About the Inhaã-bé Community

The Inhaã-bé village is a small, close-knit indigenous community where the people live in harmony with the land, carrying forward generations of knowledge, tradition, and resilience. However, in recent years, the community has been severely impacted by prolonged droughts, which are becoming more intense each year. This prolonged dry spell has left them isolated, with limited access to essential resources like food and clean water.
The scarcity of water has meant that crops are harder to grow, and daily survival requires extraordinary effort. The community’s children and youth face daily challenges just to attend school, often walking over six hours in the hot sun due to the lack of accessible transportation. This same difficulty affects adults who need to reach the city for vital supplies.
We believe that with your compassionate support, we can help the Inhaã-bé village overcome these barriers. Our goal is to build a sustainable water source by completing the construction of an artesian well and purchasing a quad bike, allowing safer and easier access to the school and the city.
Help the Inhaã-bé Village Build Resilience Against Intense Drought
For the second year in a row, the Inhaã-bé village is facing an extreme drought, leaving the community isolated with restricted access to food and clean drinking water. The children and youth of the village struggle to attend school, often enduring a six-hour journey under the scorching sun. This isolation also limits the community’s ability to access essential supplies.
To support the Inhaã-bé village, we are raising funds to complete the construction of an artesian well, which will provide the community with a reliable source of clean water, and to purchase a quad bike capable of traversing muddy terrain. This vehicle will ensure that children can continue their education, and it will also allow community members to reach the city safely and efficiently without the exhausting, dangerous journey on foot.
Your Donation Can Make a Difference
By contributing to this cause, you are directly supporting the resilience and well-being of the Inhaã-bé community, empowering them to face the challenges of climate change that threaten their way of life.
Donate and Share the Cause
Every donation brings us one step closer to a safer and more sustainable future for the Inhaã-bé village. If you’re unable to donate, please consider sharing this appeal. Together, we can create impactful change.
About Our Ongoing Partnership with Inhaã-bé
The Gainforest and Oya Institute have been working alongside the Inhaã-bé community throughout the year, collaborating to create sustainable, impactful solutions to their challenges. We believe in the strength of our global community to support these guardians of the forest and ensure their resilience in the face of environmental adversity.
Together, we can protect the forest and uplift the lives of those who dedicate themselves to its care.
Ajude a Aldeia Inhaã-bé a Fortalecer sua Resiliência contra a Seca Intensa
Pelo segundo ano consecutivo, a Aldeia Inhaã-bé enfrenta uma seca extrema, deixando a comunidade isolada e com acesso restrito a alimentos e água potável. As crianças e jovens da aldeia enfrentam desafios diários para chegar à escola, muitas vezes caminhando mais de seis horas sob o sol escaldante. Esse isolamento também limita o acesso da comunidade aos suprimentos essenciais.
Para apoiar a Aldeia Inhaã-bé, estamos arrecadando fundos para concluir a construção de um poço artesiano, que fornecerá uma fonte confiável de água limpa, e para adquirir um quadriciclo capaz de atravessar terrenos enlameados. Esse veículo garantirá que as crianças possam continuar seus estudos e permitirá que os membros da comunidade cheguem à cidade com mais segurança e eficiência, sem precisar enfrentar a longa e exaustiva jornada a pé.
Sua Doação Pode Fazer a Diferença
Ao contribuir com esta causa, você está apoiando diretamente a resiliência e o bem-estar da comunidade Inhaã-bé, ajudando-os a enfrentar os desafios das mudanças climáticas que ameaçam seu modo de vida.
Doe e Compartilhe esta Causa
Cada doação nos aproxima de um futuro mais seguro e sustentável para a Aldeia Inhaã-bé. Se você não puder doar, considere compartilhar! Juntos, podemos criar uma mudança significativa.
Nossa Parceria com Inhaã-bé
O Instituto Oya e a GainForest têm trabalhado junto à comunidade Inhaã-bé ao longo de todo o ano, colaborando para desenvolver soluções sustentáveis e impactantes para seus desafios. Acreditamos na força de nossa comunidade global para apoiar esses guardiões da floresta e garantir sua resiliência diante das adversidades ambientais.
Fundraising team: Fundraiser Team (1)

Kamila Camilo
Washington D.C., DC
David Dao
Team member