Help Isaac with medical and bills
Hello My Name is Renae Henning I am Isaac’s aunt we are trying to raise money to help with his medical bills and living expense. Isaac’s insurance delectable is extremely high he has been out of work for about a month now, with no way to come up with the deductible, while also being a young adult living on his own and stressing about how he will cover rent and other bills is not what he should be worrying about right now while recovering and going through treatment.
A little bit about what he is going through; Isaac has been in and out of the hospital for the past three weeks he has been extremely sick, after being misdiagnosed at a previous hospital and sent home still in incredible pain and not any better he went to the current hospital he is now at. After a very scary entrance, many tests and multiple blood transfusions, he has been diagnosed with a rare autoimmune disease called Hemolytic Anemia. He will undergo a bone marrow extraction and start a type of chemotherapy to fight off the disease. We are also asking that you pray for Isaac’s healing and for the doctors who are treating him. Thank you for reading Isaac’s story and any donations we are truly grateful for.