Help Itty Bitty Bookstore Go Mobile!
As many of you know Itty Bitty Bookstore is out growing it’s home quickly, because of that I had this idea of moving to a larger space within my current building but the logistics of that are just not working out. For many reason, that kind of move doesn’t achieve the mission I have in mind for Itty Bitty Bookstore. Itty Bitty Bookstore was created to be a safe space to explore our differences and present diverse representation to all.
With that in mind I don’t find that a move to a larger space in one small town is what’s best for the store. It is simply just not accessible to all. I am quickly gaining knowledge and becoming more aware of the fact that getting to my current store location is imbedded in privilege and I am asking for your help to change that!
So long story short I have connected with an amazing mobile shop owner who will be moving to the west cost and will no longer be able to run her shop. She and I have connected because she is looking to sell to another business in order to preserve her hard work and renovations! Itty Bitty Bookstore plans to purchase this mobile shop to create an additional access point to the store for those who do not have the ability to access my current store front location due to transportation or inability to make it up the over 20 stairs it takes to get there.
This way Itty Bitty Bookstore can come to you! The addition of a mobile store will give access to a more diverse population of people throughout the Dane County Area. My Goal with this mobile store is to pop up at community centers, libraries, nonprofit, Markets and Small Businesses. This way the store can hold community story times, arts and craft activities and also let those who have not had access, shop the diverse books!
This addition to the store does come with a pretty high price tag but I believe with the help of our community we can make this goal a reality.
Let’s change the narrative one stop at a time!