Help Izzy raise money in aid of Kevin Bell Trust
Hello, thank you for visiting my GoFundMe page.
On June 11th I will be running the Mourne Way Marathon to aid KBRT in memory of Kevin Gregory.
On June 11th I will be running the Mourne Way Marathon to aid KBRT in memory of Kevin Gregory.
The Kevin Bell Repatriation Trust aim to alleviate the financial hardship of bereaved families repatriating the bodies of loved ones who have died abroad in sudden or tragic circumstances back to Ireland. In February 2022, KBRT helped get Kevin home after he passed suddenly in Ukraine and were able to bring him home in a matter of days which was a miracle for his family and loved ones.
Although I have run three marathons previously, this will be the first trail event longer than 10km I have done, and the most elevation (by far!) I have ever attempted. I will have 8 hours to try to complete 42km with over 1000m ascent and will give it my all to do so. You can find out more about the event here: https://www.26extreme.com/take-part/mourne-way-marathon-events-2022/ and more about KBRT here: https://kevinbellrepatriationtrust.com/
Thank you in advance for your contribution to this cause, which means so much to me.
Isabel Stacey
Kevin Bell Repatriation Trust