Help Jak Cover Emergency Vet Bills
Donation protected
I've had Jak since my freshman year of high school, he's been with me through countless stressful life events, moved halfway across the country with me, and is just the sweetest little old kitty I've ever known. Any of my friends who have met him can attest to how friendly and sweet he is, and he really is just the chillest, cuddliest lil' dude. He'll curl up right next to me and let me hug him like a teddy bear, purrs like a motorboat, and always follows me around the house to sit at my feet or in my lap regardless of whether I'm working at my desk, my bed, or trying to get something done in the kitchen. He's my baby.

At fourteen years old, I knew he was getting to the age where he'd start having some health complications, but on the morning of 1/15 I took him in to the vet for what I thought was some bad congestion after being on antibiotics for an Upper Respiratory Infection, and it escalated much quicker than I had ever expected. He began having breathing issues and choking after panicking in the car (he hates car rides) in the five minutes he took to drive over to the vet, and after getting him on oxygen and taking some X-Rays, the vet found a mass in his trachea. He'd had an X-Ray just two weeks before that hadn't shown anything, so the vet informed me it was very likely cancer and that things weren't looking optimistic. I was faced with the choice of bringing him home and making him comfortable for however long he lasted, or taking him to the emergency veterinary hospital and letting them do anything they could to save him. I didn't even have to think about it, I knew I was going to do everything I could to give him even a small chance.
After his complications just driving him down the road, the vet was worried he wouldn't even make it to the emergency hospital, but he did!! (Also thank you to my roommate Hanna for driving so I could keep Jak calm in the back seat.) The emergency vet did an amazing job and Jak made it through a risky surgery to get part of the mass removed and is currently stable and recovering while they test the sample to get a better idea of what exactly it is and how they should proceed with treatment. I learned that the mass had been blocking 80% of his airway, and considering how quickly things had developed, if he hadn't gone for treatment he wouldn't have lasted very long. As it stands, they weren't able to get as much of the mass removed as they'd hoped, so that still remains an issue. The likely diagnosis is lymphoma, but luckily the hospital has a oncology department and I fully intend to pursue any and all options for long term treatment to give Jak as much time as he can get. Even if it just buys him a little more time, it means being able to say goodbye to him on my own terms rather than losing him suddenly and without any real warning.
Seriously, I took some incredibly depressing pictures of us on the way to the emergency vet because I genuinely thought that'd be the last time I'd be able to see my cat alive. Neither of us looks great.

As happy as I am to give my boy a chance, and would do it again in a heartbeat, none of these emergency procedures were cheap, and just the initial surgery and care is currently estimated around $6k. Depending on how Jak holds up, what they determine long term treatment to be, and how they decide to handle the remaining mass in his trachea, it's very likely going to be more. I know there are so many other important causes to donate to and I really don't expect anyone to feel obligated to donate. I was able to cover some of the costs, my amazing roommate Hanna chipped in quite a bit to help, and I intend to do commissions and get an online shop with my work up and running to support his further treatment, but while I get things under control I could really use some help with the initial bills.
If you've ever enjoyed my work or if my art has ever brightened your day, please considering throwing a dollar or two Jak's way, since he always brightens mine.

At fourteen years old, I knew he was getting to the age where he'd start having some health complications, but on the morning of 1/15 I took him in to the vet for what I thought was some bad congestion after being on antibiotics for an Upper Respiratory Infection, and it escalated much quicker than I had ever expected. He began having breathing issues and choking after panicking in the car (he hates car rides) in the five minutes he took to drive over to the vet, and after getting him on oxygen and taking some X-Rays, the vet found a mass in his trachea. He'd had an X-Ray just two weeks before that hadn't shown anything, so the vet informed me it was very likely cancer and that things weren't looking optimistic. I was faced with the choice of bringing him home and making him comfortable for however long he lasted, or taking him to the emergency veterinary hospital and letting them do anything they could to save him. I didn't even have to think about it, I knew I was going to do everything I could to give him even a small chance.
After his complications just driving him down the road, the vet was worried he wouldn't even make it to the emergency hospital, but he did!! (Also thank you to my roommate Hanna for driving so I could keep Jak calm in the back seat.) The emergency vet did an amazing job and Jak made it through a risky surgery to get part of the mass removed and is currently stable and recovering while they test the sample to get a better idea of what exactly it is and how they should proceed with treatment. I learned that the mass had been blocking 80% of his airway, and considering how quickly things had developed, if he hadn't gone for treatment he wouldn't have lasted very long. As it stands, they weren't able to get as much of the mass removed as they'd hoped, so that still remains an issue. The likely diagnosis is lymphoma, but luckily the hospital has a oncology department and I fully intend to pursue any and all options for long term treatment to give Jak as much time as he can get. Even if it just buys him a little more time, it means being able to say goodbye to him on my own terms rather than losing him suddenly and without any real warning.
Seriously, I took some incredibly depressing pictures of us on the way to the emergency vet because I genuinely thought that'd be the last time I'd be able to see my cat alive. Neither of us looks great.

As happy as I am to give my boy a chance, and would do it again in a heartbeat, none of these emergency procedures were cheap, and just the initial surgery and care is currently estimated around $6k. Depending on how Jak holds up, what they determine long term treatment to be, and how they decide to handle the remaining mass in his trachea, it's very likely going to be more. I know there are so many other important causes to donate to and I really don't expect anyone to feel obligated to donate. I was able to cover some of the costs, my amazing roommate Hanna chipped in quite a bit to help, and I intend to do commissions and get an online shop with my work up and running to support his further treatment, but while I get things under control I could really use some help with the initial bills.
If you've ever enjoyed my work or if my art has ever brightened your day, please considering throwing a dollar or two Jak's way, since he always brightens mine.
Caitlin Trudell
Cedar Park, TX