Help Jamie win round 2!
On Friday June 18, Jamie pulled his vehicle to a stop as he knew something wasn’t right. He was correct. He had an oncoming seizure. After assessment in Grande Prairie Jamie was airlifted to the University of Alberta where the amazing neuro team has done scans and is building a course of action to rid Jamie of brain cancer for round 2!
With this information we know a couple of things:
1) The Waldner family needs support in prayer and action.
2) Post surgery is expected to take 12 months of recovery.
Any donations of any size are welcome, and any other support is covered.
At a time with group restrictions is place,this will become the general fundraising “account” for any personal donations, or creative fundraising monies.
we will update with information as it becomes available. Prayer for Jamie’s healing, peace for the family and guidance of the Neuro team is sincerely appreciated. And any words of encouragement appreciated.