Help JJ fight Covid-19 & stage4 Neuroblastoma
Please help Jay jay, our 1-year-old son, beat stage 4 neuroblastoma.
After undergoing extensive testing, our family finally received a devastating and heartbreaking diagnosis to explain the pain and weakness Jay jay has been experiencing for some time now. Stage 4 neuroblastoma. Neuroblastoma is a rare form of cancer which grows from nerve cells and almost exclusively affects children. It can be challenging to eradicate, particularly in more advanced cases like Jay jays. With the love, strength and support of our family and friends, however, Jay Jay WILL beat it.
Jay had his first round of Chemotherapy at Stony Brook University Hospital on March 27th, 2020. The treatment plan the pediatric oncology team has decided upon as the best course of action is: 3 days of aggressive chemotherapy and monitoring at the hospital, followed by 3 weeks at home. When Jay jay is home he has no break from the treatment every day he’s not on chemotherapy he has a G- CSF injection. Repeat for 6 months. After the 6 months, they will repeat all the scans and there hope is the tumors will shrink enough for him to undergo surgery to remove the 3 tumors, which start at the base of his skull and travel down to his neck. The entire process is anticipated to take approximately 1 and 1/2 years. Because of his age and how advanced his neuroblastoma is.
Jay jay will NEVER be alone in this fight. his mom Michelle, plans to be by his side 24/7. As well as his dad, Jose and his twin brother Messiah.
We are kindly asking for your financial help .
Ways to help:
- Financial support through donations on this website
- Asking your network of family and friends to consider donating
- Likes, shares and comments both here and on all social media
- Positive thoughts and prayers
From the bottom of our hearts, thank you for blessing our family. Michelle’s sister Danielle Marie is the account Organizer and she directly wire transfers all donations to Jay jays parents, Michelle Mardorf and Jose Maldonado you may contact them by email at [email redacted]. All donations are used towards Jays care and helps with the financial struggle his parents are having with the loss of my sister Michelles paycheck. She left her job to be able to be by Jays side 24/7. We look forward to the day when we will celebrate Jay jay being cancer-free with you.