Help Jayme Fight Cancer
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Jayme is my 18-year-old younger sister. She was recently diagnosed with Stage 3B Lymphocyte Rich Hodgkin’s Lymphoma in September. Initially, Jayme was having symptoms of severe chest pain accompanied with vomiting. After CT Scans showing multiple masses, her doctors decided to have a biopsy done. On September 2, 2022, Jayme had surgery which resulted in unexpected complications of a medically collapsed lung in order to collect the lymph nodes for testing. After spending 3 days in the hospital, Jayme was finally able to come home and a week later received the horrible news. Lymphocyte Rich Hodgkin’s Lymphoma is a rare subtype of Hodgkin’s Lymphoma, affecting only 4% of the cases. Due to the aggressive type of chemotherapy treatments she will be receiving, Jayme had to drop out of fall semester of college where she was going to become a nurse. Jayme enjoys watching movies, crocheting, photography, and baking.
One can only imagine what it feels for a mother to hear her child has cancer, but for Shelle, our mother, this is the third time. I have had Lymphocyte Predominant Hodgkin’s Lymphoma twice, once in 2016 and again in 2018. This has taken a heavy toll on our single mom, who has always put her children's needs before hers. Once Jayme’s chemotherapy starts in November, our mom will have to take a significant step back from her job to be with Jayme. With no outside financial support, it will become difficult for her to pay her bills and support Jayme at the same time.
Your support is greatly appreciated no matter the amount, as anything helps. Please come together to help our family to get through this battle.
Taylor Riley
Flint, MI