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Help Jeff Hance Fight Brain Cancer

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PLEASE NOTE: Preferably, our family has a CashApp Account for donations ( With that site, Please send donations to the username JHance9920 visiting here: $JHance9920 ) , and that form of contribution is more beneficial because there will be no share of profit on their part... However, we have still created this GoFundMe page for those who may not have access to a CashApp account. All possible donations will be beyond aplreciated!
...As his strong-willed and loving family, we would like to share Jeffrey Hance's battle against cancer with any willing to help contribute to this unexpected and tragic diagnosis.. As an amazing and beloved son, brother, father, grandfather, and much more, he did not deserve this...
On May 5th, Jeffrey was given results that he and his family had been impatiently waiting weeks for...He was diagnosed with what they called a very aggressive high grade brain tumor. Syracuse medical professionals say 6-12 months… We want another opinion from experts who specialize in this field, and we have found a doctor in Boston who will do a consultation for $2400…. This man has no money and had no insurance until just qualifying for Medicaid- now that he has this and can in no way work….
Our family will put all funds and donations raised towards medical bills, medications, travel expenses like fuel etc. to and from his appointments, and all expenses we must make to successfully continue this struggle the best we can for our Jeffrey.
The poor guy has never had anything other than bad luck, his whole life… He FINALLY opens his own garage-a LIFE long dream of his, and now this…
We are looking to potentially rent an RV to make this doctors visit trip, so that Jeffrey and his family can do this comfortably. ( If anyone knows anyone with an rv sitting in their yard that would consider letting us use or if you know of a place/individual that rents theirs, please reach out.)
Kenny Smith & Crystal Smith of Smitty's Auction / Smitty's Auction ( THESE AUCTIONS ARE ACCESSIBLE ON FACEBOOK: CLICK HERE and CLICK HERE Please Search!) have decided to do a benefit auction(s) for Jeffrey, as they graciously have done for others in need...
Now we have this Go Fund Me finally established as well. Jeffrey's tragic diagnosis is certainly a time-sensitive case, so even if you cannot donate PLEASE still have the heart to share this link and website and webpage etc. as much as we can, at the least.…. Jeffrey is a such a good-hearted and hard-working man that has done NOTHING but keep to himself and try to make a living and support his kids…..with all the bad people in the world, the good Lord could not take one of those people instead?? Nothing about this is fair or just…..and we need some help and PRAYERS, even though they do not seem in any way to be working….We can not give up hope…..Please share!

ANY POSITIVE OUTCOMES WITH A PROGNOSIS SIMILAR TO THIS…please share your story…..he needs some HOPE to have the will to fight at this point!!!!!

 Garantie des dons GoFundMe

Cette campagne indique la possibilité de faire des dons par le bais d'une autre plateforme, mais attention : seuls les dons effectués sur GoFundMe sont protégés par la garantie de don GoFundMe.

Je contribue


  • Nadia Atkinson
    • $50
    • 1 yr
  • Jenna Tarkowski
    • $50
    • 1 yr
  • Alyssa Ross
    • $50
    • 1 yr
  • Paula Holdstock
    • $200
    • 1 yr
  • Tara Barbarito
    • $20
    • 1 yr
Je contribue


Jeffrey Hance
Pitcairn, NY

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