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Help Jennie Heal: Covering Medical and Aftercare Costs

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My name is Frank Phaengklom and I want to thank you for taking the time to read our story.

My mother, Jennie, recently had an accident at her home in Thailand. She was standing on the balcony of her home when suddenly the floor gave out, dropping her seven feet to the ground. This has left her with a broken humerus, several broken ribs, and a variety of internal injuries. Due to her chronic asthma, broken ribs, and injuries to her right lung, she has been having difficulty breathing and has been on a ventilator to help her recover.

My parents are retired, so any money donated will help my family cover hospital bills and pay for aftercare when she is finally able to come home. Aftercare will most likely include the need for an at-home ventilator, daily nurse care, oxygen supplies, and physical therapy.

Any amount you're willing to contribute is so greatly appreciated, and if you aren't able to contribute money at this time, a share with your friends and family would mean the world to us as well.



Frank Phaengklom
Chicago, IL

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