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Help Jenny win Miss America Latina Del Mundo 2021

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Hi everyone !
Many of y’all have followed my journey through the wins and the losses but overall have been supporting me through it all . This may be the last pageant I do for awhile due to getting close to graduating with my bachelors then hopefully get accepted to Medical School. Pageants are very costly and while attending school… it is so hard to work full time  … I am going to be competing in October 2021!  I get to compete internationally for the first time and it will amazing !!! I am asking to any friends , pageant world and family for any donations $5, $10 or etc. all adds up for me in the end to be able to represent myself in the best of my ability . I am forever grateful for the pageant community and know that god has put me in this path for a reason. I am ready to represent the beautiful USA  Everyone who donates will be written down in my letter of gratitude for sponsor section God bless


Jennifer Patino
Phoenix, AZ

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