Help Jillian with Medical Expenses
Jillian is one of the most caring and loving people you will ever meet. If you ever need anything she is there for you no questions asked and will give you the last shirt off her back if you needed it. She is an amazing mother, a dedicated daughter, sister, and aunt. She is the assistant director at a preschool where she is absolutely loved by all the children she cares for, their families and all of her colleagues. As a friend...there's no one better to have by your side.
On July 29th Jillian heard the words no one ever wants to hear...
She was diagnosed with thyroid cancer. Since that day she has been to numerous appointments and preparing for her upcoming surgery. The medical appointments, all the medications she has been placed on, her upcoming surgery and post-op treatments are all expensive and creating a financial hardship for her.
When approached with the idea of asking for help Jillian hesitated, she didn't want to burden anyone with her struggles. She said that she knows there are people out there who need the help more than she does. This is just a glimpse as to who she is. She's an extremely hard working single mother and she is used to doing things on her own. If you were to meet her son Evan, you would know that she totally rocked parenthood completely on her own, he's one great kid! Asking for help is extremely hard for her. However, there are times when life is a bit too hard to manage on your own. This, is one of those times.
As her best friend, I humbly ask that you help provide Jillian with the peace of mind that her medical costs will be covered. All of us that love her just want her to focus on her health and recovery completely and not have the costs of her treatments provide additional stress.
Will you help? I promise you there is no one that deserves it more! We are all heartbroken that Jillian has to deal with this but we know that with her faith and her strength, SHE'S GOT THIS! Please help us rally behind her and provide her and her son with one less thing to worry about.
Thank you for helping Jillian and please keep her and her family in your prayers.